Page 85 of Resisting Desire

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He goes a little deeper this time before withdrawing. Then, a little deeper. I moan against his neck and lift my hips. He finds my breast with his hand and takes my nipple into his mouth, and sucks. Hard. He pushes his cock into me a little deeper.

“Do you have something to say to me?” His voice is teasing, but I can see the effect holding back his orgasm is having on him. His jaw is clenched, and he has an almost pained expression on his face. He is so close to coming, and so am I. I’m soaking wet and close to begging . . . but I won’t. I’m enjoying the power I have over him at this moment. He thinks he’s in control, but I’m the one pulling the strings.

“I’m not sorry for teasing you,” I say with deliberate control in my voice.

With one quick movement, he plunges himself completely into me. I inhale at the intrusion as my body struggles to accommodate his hard, swollen cock. He leans down to kiss me; his tongue mimics themovements of our bodies. He moves slowly out, then back in again. Steady and slow, he moves back out and back in. I hear a whimpering and then realize it’s me. He tries to pull completely out, but my legs have him locked in a vise.

He stops moving, his eyes intense on mine. I’m panting, moving around, trying to get him to continue. My pussy is so wet, and I need him back inside me. I’m ready to beg for it.

“Please, Ethan.”

“You know what I need to hear,” he commands.

“I’m sorry,” I pant. “I’m sorry for teasing you.”

“Are you? I’m not sure you learned your lesson.” He thrusts into me, hard this time.. Back out and then harder again.

I grit my teeth together. He is enjoying this, bringing me so close only to stop. He leans down to kiss me, his tongue hard and fast in my mouth. My hands are squeezing his ass, willing him to move into me. I kiss him back, matching his pace and intensity.

He plows into me once more.

He slowly withdraws, driving me beyond insane.

“Please, I learned my lesson.” I grind against him, my body completely out of control.

“Please, what? What do you want?”

He slowly reenters me. “Please, Ethan. I want you to fuck me like you said you would. Hard. I want you to fuck me hard. Now. Do it now,” I beg.

“That’s better.” He says it in a rich, seductive voice right before his cock slams into me. Then, something seems to break in him. He slams into me again and again and again. My hips rock against him. I hear loud moaning, and I don’t know if it’s me or him or both.

I clench him tightly between my thighs. He begins to speed up, faster.

I claw his back, his ass, as he rides me harder and harder and harder. The sex is nothing like it’s ever been before. I’m shaking with the intensity of it. I can’t hold on. It’s too much. I feel myself coming apart. I can’t stand much more. “You’re mine,” he grinds out into my neck. “You’re fucking mine.”

My entire being unravels in wave after wave of the most intense orgasm of my life. I’m trembling and shaking uncontrollably. The climax hits me again and again. He jerks inside me, once, twice, three times as the aftershock finishes ripping through my body.

He stills and looks down at me in shock. His chest is moving up and down rapidly as he struggles to get his breathing under control. Finally, he rolls over onto his back, pulling me with him. I snuggle up against his side.

Several long minutes pass with no words spoken between us. My thoughts are scattered, and I can’t seem to grasp a coherent thought. Sex with Ethan was always good. But this was different somehow. It was surreal.

“What the hell just happened?” he asks. His voice is unsteady, unsure.

“I don’t know. But that was really intense.”

His chest rumbles in response. “I completely agree. Intense and pretty damn amazing.”

Suddenly shy and unsure of myself and what just happened, I sit up and reach for a blanket. “I think I’m going to head to bed.”

He pulls me down and kisses me. “Not without me, you aren’t. Besides, you can’t go. You haven’t finished watching the movie. You missed half of it.”

“You really want to watch the movie?” I raise my eyebrows as though I believe he is lying. Because, yes, I totally believe he’s telling me a fib.

“Cross my heart. We’ll watch the movie,” he promises.

I can’t help the jolt in my heart when he gifts me with that adorable dimple. “Okay, I’ll be right back. Need to go to the restroom.”

“It’s right out the doors and to the left. If you aren’t back in three minutes, I’m coming after you,” he says. I get the feeling that he’s only half joking.
