Page 91 of Resisting Desire

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“Of course, you should get right to the hospital. Don’t worry about me. I can call the car service to pick me up.”

“No, ma’am, Mr. Anders will have my aaa . . . I mean my head if I left you here alone, without protection.”

I rush over to him and try to push him toward the door. “I insist. You must be with your wife. Please, go. She needs you.”

He shakes his head. “No, absolutely not. I can’t leave you alone. I promised Mr. Anders to keep you safe, and that’s what I intend to do."

“Beau,” I say firmly. “It will take you an hour to get me back to Ethan’s place from here. Then, what, another thirty minutes until you get to the hospital from there?”

Peggy stands up to get his attention. “I will lock my doors, and I have a security camera outside. No one can get in here,” Peggy promises.

He looks undecided. I can see the battle going on in his head. The need to be with his wife and protect her is warring with his need to do his job of protecting me.

“Being locked in here without a bodyguard is the same as being locked in Ethan’s condo without a bodyguard. We won’t let anyone in. I promise.”

Without saying anything, he takes out his phone and makes a call. When there is no answer, he exhales in frustration. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, the indecision clear on his face.

Finally, he looks at his phone again and types out a message. He looks at me, and I can see that he’s not happy with what he’s about to tell me. “Ican’t get a hold of Mr. Anders. I’ve left a text message and will continue to try to reach him. Promise me you’ll lock the door and won’t open it until my replacement arrives?”

“I won’t open the door.”

“Okay,” he agrees reluctantly. “My replacement will be here ASAP. It will likely be about forty minutes before he arrives. His name is Lincoln, and he will text you before knocking for entrance.”

“I’ll be fine. Go.” I open the door for him, and he walks out slowly, hesitating to leave.

“Lock the door,” he says.

I nod, close the door, and lock it.

“That guy is pretty intense,” Peggy says, her eyes wide. “Whew, did you see those strong arms? His wife is a lucky woman.”

I just laugh and sit back down on the chaise. “Yeah, and he’s really good at his job. Very thorough, sometimestoothorough. You’re right, though. I’m as safe here as I am at Ethan’s place.”

“Yep, no one’s getting in here,” Peggy says. “Except . . . shoot. I need to text my brother quickly.”

“Why do you need to text Trent?”

“I told him that you were coming over, and he said he wanted to come by and bring you a little something. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Oh. Well, no, I don’t mind. It’s just that I promised Beau that we wouldn’t let anyone in.”

Peggy nods. “Yes, of course. I understand. Let me find my phone really quick.” She starts looking around the room and doesn’t find it. She holds up a finger as she leaves the room. “Hang on. I think I left it upstairs in my bedroom.”

I hear her jog up the stairs, and then I hear her yell, “Found it!”

A few seconds later, she returns to the room, phone in hand. “Did you text him yet?” I ask.

“Doing it right now.” She’s typing up her message when the doorbell rings. She looks at me apologetically. “Oh, well, damn. That’s probably him.”

Peggy looks through the peephole in the door to confirm and then nods, looking disgruntled.

“It’s okay. He’s your brother, and we hang out all the time. Not a big deal.”

Peggy looks unsure. “Your smoking hot bodyguard is going to be mad if we open the door. But, if you think it’s okay?”

I flip my hand offhandedly in the air. “Of course, it’s fine.”

Still looking unsure, Peggy pulls open the heavy wooden door, and we see Trent. His face lights up when he sees me standing behind Peggy.
