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I’d tell him how it feels, to hug her into my body, and to lower my face down until it’s only centimeters from hers.

Her gaze flickers against mine. A question is there, sparking in that sea of green.

Maybe she’s wondering if this pretend kiss we’re about to try on for size is really a good idea.

Part of me is wondering that, too.

This isTrent’s little sisterI’m about to lock lips with.

I used to want this so bad. But I told myself it wasn’t possible, and I did my best to forget. Forget about my desire.

My attraction.

My awe.

All that’s surging back right now, and I feel exactly like my seventeen-year-old self. That bewildered, gangly kid with a bologna sandwich gripped in his big mitts. That version of me who caught sight of Olivia for the first time and felt sure a goddess had just stepped foot into the cafeteria.

We’re so close, and neither of us is making that last little move so that our lips will touch. Her irises are deep, dark pools. Her nose wrinkles—so cute. The corner of her lips hitch up.

“Stop being a goof,” she whispers, so faint I know only I can hear it.

“You stop,” I say. Yep, I’m real suave.Ha.

“Just kiss me,” she whispers.

“You sure?”

When she nods, that mere motion almost makes our mouths touch, but it doesn’t, not quite. So, I have to be the one to close this tiny, warm sliver of air between us.

So, I do.

I lean down ever so slightly and feel her warm, soft, full lips against mine. A jolt courses down through my body, like she’s a live wire.

It’s a good jolt.

Incredibly good.

Like life itself is rumbling inside me, coursing along my nerves, sparking and hot.

Her lips move. Mine do, too, though I’m not thinking or planning my movements at all. Only playing against her, tasting how sweet she is, savoring every second of this bliss.

That whooshing feeling sweeps down deeper in me.

I thought I was brain-dead before, but now Ireallyam.

When we pull apart, I can barely see. My eyes are hooded, heavy with what just happened.

She’s still so close.

When her eyes search mine again, the question there is more urgent. She wants to know what the heck just happened, too. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to answer her. My chest rises and falls with each breath I’m sucking in. Before I can stop myself, I wrap my arm around her back. My fingertips reach up and touch the ends of her curls. I let my touch slide over a lock of her hair.

“Not… not so bad,” she whispers.

Not so baddoesn’t even begin to describe what I just felt.

I shouldn’t be playing with her hair like this. And why are we still holding each other? People are trying to get food here. We’re in line at a breakfast buffet.

Olivia giggles and looks up into my eyes. “I think we made her jealous,” she whispers.
