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“Honey, that’s your very own personal handkerchief now. You use it however you want.”

She swipes at her nose again. “I’m a wreck. I’ve been a wreck since I packed my suitcase. My mom thinks I should drop the whole thing.”

“But you don't want to?”

She shakes her head. “I really feel like I have to stand my ground on this. If he doesn’t invite her, I’m not sure I can go through with the marriage.”

Fear swirls in me.

I can’t let her do that to my brother. If she walks away from him, he’s going to be damaged goods for the rest of his life. He loves her.


“Really.” She nods. Her soulful eyes find mine. “Olivia, like I’ve been saying, it’s not just about his mom. It’s aboutus—me and Trent. He’s my best friend at this point. I count on him. I can’t stand the thought that if one day, if things don’t work out for us, he’ll shut me out of his life, too.”

“That won’t happen.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you guys are perfect together.”

“We aren’t perfect, Olivia, He’s not; I’m not. We get into arguments. But I want to know that he’s going to stick it out, tryto work through whatever comes up. Not give up. Not cut me out of his life.”

She sniffs again and then looks up at the blue sky. “Ugh. I’ve been crying so much lately; I can’t believe I even have tears left.”

A fresh wave of pity rolls through me.

“Maggie, if this is important to you, I’m sure we can get Trent to come around. You’re the most important thing to him. You should’ve seen him these past few days. He’s barely eaten, barely slept.”

We fall into silence for a few minutes. Around us, the desert buzzes. The gnats are mercifully absent today, but there are plenty of other insects around. In the distance, I see a few retreat participants wander out along one of the many paths.

“You think he should invite her, then?” Maggie asks. She bites her lip. “Oops. I didn’t want to put you in this position—where you have to choose sides. You don’t have to answer.”

“You know what I think? I think if he has to eat glass to get you down that aisle, he should.” That makes her lip inch up at the side. “No really,” I insist. “The ER docs would patch him up, and you guys could be happily ever after.”

I’m kidding, of course. Trying to get a laugh out of her.

Laughter’s good medicine and Maggie needs help right now.

“Calling Beryl is easier than that,” I add, “so he better get his butt in gear and do it already. What’s he waiting for?”

I know I’m making light of the matter. It will be hard for Trent to contact our mother if he does. But I’m sincere about what his priorities should be. He loves Maggie, and that’s the bottom line.

She chuckles and uses the edge of a finger to swipe away the last of her tears. “Thanks, Olivia. I don’t know how you do it, but you always say things that make me feel lighter. And thanks for listening. I know that wasn’t easy.”

“Eh. Easier than most of the other things I’ve done today.”

She raises a brow. “Oh yeah? Trent tells me you and Cole are nailing this whole fake-relationship thing. Thanks for that, too. I know it was your scheming that got us in with Skye in the first place.”

I’m not sure what to say, so I pull on my straw.

There’s no smoothie left, so all I get is spinach-and-blueberry-flavored air.

“How’s it going for you two,really?” Maggie asks. “Just between us, woman to woman. I promise I won’t spill to Trent.”

I feel like I’m channeling Cole. An animal noise snakes up my throat. It’s something between a happy squeak and a desperate mew for help.

“That good, hm?” Maggie swivels a finger in my direction. “Girl, what is up with this blush? Talk to me. Start with that kiss I caught you two sharing over by the avo-toast this morning. That sure didn’t look fake to me.”

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