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Olivia squeezes my knee.

Think about fish, I tell myself.

That really helped this morning during the yin yoga, or whatever that class was called. All I know is Olivia and I were way too close for comfort for an entire hour-and-a-half.


Freshwater salmon.

Largemouth bass.

Rainbow trout, yellow perch, walleye…

If I keep my mind on fish, I won’t think about Olivia.

I won’t think about the way it felt to kiss her. The way I wantedmore.

If I think about fish, I might be able to sit here and not fantasize about what she looks like in the soft, warm glow of the lantern, back in our yurt.



There’s nothing ‘ours’ when it comes to Olivia.

Not that goat, not the yurt, not anything.

This is pretend.


A show.

Then why was that kiss so good?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.Not going there.

All I have to do is think about fish and get through the next handful of days.

Skye gracefully lowers herself down, so she’s seated like the rest of us. She scans the circle with that same above-it-all smile she’s been using since the start. Like nothing can get between her and whatever inner high she’s riding.

Good for her.

“Let’s all take a deep breath and really settle into the here and now, shall we?” She draws in a deep inhale, straightening her spine, puffing her chest, and sucking in her belly like she’s setting the example. Around me, I hear others sucking in gulps of oxygen, too. Then letting them out with big sighs.

I check in on Trent and Maggie and see that both of them have their eyes closed. They’re deep breathing like everyone else. Also, they’re sitting so close that their knees are touching, which is a good sign.

Trent looks… better.

Like maybe he got some sleep, and got some food in him, too.

“Ah… that’s good,” Skye says, in her whispery, musical way. “I’m so grateful that we’re all gathered in this sacred circle to really explore and deepenour relationships. Let’s together set the intention of laying aside our judgments and really opening up to one another. This is a safe space, and what a gift that is!”

A scattered applause erupts around the room.

More happy sighs.

When Skye suggests we “turn to our partners, look into one another’s eyes, and speak from the heart,” Olivia wastes no time swiveling to face me.
