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She handled landing in that prickly pear cactus so well. Didn’t complain once. I was able to get all the tiny needle-like hairs out of her hand, and then we kept up our search. All told, we probably hiked five miles before it got dark.

I return to the blanket I laid out in the sandy wash right next to her bag.

When I prop my arms behind my head and look up at the stars, I feel good. Blue’s still missing, and that does worry me a little. We lost his tracks once the sun dipped down behind the distant cliffs. It was too hard to see the subtle scuff marks and indents in the dirt, even with the help of my headlamp.

But I’m betting he’s tucked himself up next to a rock in some cozy wash, just like me and Olivia are doing. So, I won’t let myself worry too much.

Olivia and I will resume our search tomorrow but for now…

We’re here. Under the stars. Together.

Beside me, she gives a contented sigh. “You want to know what emergency cookies are actually best for?”

I can’t help but laugh. “Let me guess… eating?”

“Heck yeah. You in?”

“You kidding me? I’ll take eight.”

“Eight? Cole, eating eight cookies is downright indulgent. Decadent.”

“Hey, Miss Dictionary. You tryin’ to give me a vocab lesson or something?”

“You could use one.”

I roll over and wrap my hand around the slippery sleeping bag, feeling for her side. When I find the soft curve of her hip, I start tickling.

She dissolves into laughter. “No! No—emergency! This is an emergency! I need cookies!”

I keep right on tickling her.

She wriggles in the bag, curls toward me, and reaches for my arm. Keeps laughing the whole time.

When I ease up, she keeps her fingers wrapped around my upper arm.

And I keep leaning over her.

Looking down at her.

Wanting her.

She catches her breath and peers up at me with her big, green eyes. She’s happy, catching her breath, smiling still.

I’m so glad she’s not crying anymore. I’ve never cared about someone else’s emotional state as I have on this trip, with Olivia. It’s like I’d do anything to help her feel happy, warm, loved, safe.

Loved. Yeah, I want her to feel loved. What she said to me, about how she used to feel so unworthy? That made me see her differently. She puts up a good show so much of the time, but under it all, she’s sensitive.

Sensitive, caring, and big-hearted.

“This has been a fun night,” Olivia says with a quick, hesitant smile. She runs her fingertips along my arm, maybe feeling the muscles.

I like her touch.

“Even though we don’t have a tent?” I ask.

Golden light from the fire flickers over both of us. The night’s a dark expanse, hugging in around us like a cloak.

Here in this quiet desert, we’re alone, and it’s like the world we left behind doesn’t even exist.
