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I knock my knuckles against his. “She’s a tough one, our mom.”

“Yeah, but she is who she is. We’ve got each other. We always have. We can deal with her when she comes to town this time around. And you’re right, you know. I was putting it off. I was maybe even gonna lose Maggie because of it. Thanks for handling it. Couldn’t have been easy.”

“Oh, you know. The usual. She told me she lived for the camera. As if that was news.”

He chuckles and shakes his head.


“Yeah…” I sip my coffee and check behind me for Cole again.

Trent notes the gesture. “You looking for your better half?”

“Ha.” The nervous laugh bubbles up. “Right.”

“Maybe I should say your worse half. He’s been in a bad mood all morning.”

“You’ve seen him already?”

“Yeah, and I think this time-off stuff’s really getting to him. You know Cole. He needs to stay busy with work. Hey, speaking of work—he told us you got that gig, with the TV show. Way to go, dude!”

This time when he holds up his hand, it’s for a high five.

I slap his hand and try to smile.

“Thanks. It starts soon. Really soon.”


“The day after the wedding. Which is on for sure, I’m assuming?”

My brother’s big smile is genuine. “Yeah, it’s on. For sure. Me and Maggie are solid.”

“Great.” My gut twists as I think about my new job opportunity. “I got a bunch of emails from the producers and directors in charge of the show. I have to sort through everything once we get home, sign contracts and talk to people and all that, but it looks like I’ll be due to leave early that Sunday. I’m going to have to miss the family breakfast.”

“Hey, I totally get it. As long as you’re there for the wedding. This is all thanks to you. You gotta be there.”

“Oh, I’ll be there.”

On my own. Again.

Just then, I spot a tall figure out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see Cole, shoulders hunched, hat low over his brow, hands jammed in his pockets. He ambles toward the breakfast buffet.

Time to get this fake fight over with.

I stand up, feeling wobbly-kneed. I manage to say something to Trent about how I’m glad we talked, and then I force myself to walk Cole’s way.

On the way, I check along the table for Danielle. She’s down on one far end, not at all close to where Cole’s standing. So, I’m going to have to be loud, in order to get her attention.

I lift my chin, square my shoulders, and remind myself that Cole was never my real boyfriend.

This argument will not break my heart. It’s an act, like everything else these past few days, and that’s it.

Chapter 22

