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Life throws punches.

Life even kicks you sometimes when you’re already down.

Danielle’s using her tongs to re-arrange a plate of grilled zucchini. How do these people eat this stuff for breakfast?

“You sure you don't have any bacon back there?” I ask her.

This time, instead of scowling at me, she grins. “I’m sure. But hey, we’ll be back to Silver Creek in no time. Maybe we could meet up on Market Street for a coffee or something. Do you still need a date for that wedding?”

Do I? I glance over at that closed door again.

“I’m not going with Olivia, that’s for sure,” I hear myself grumble.

“Well, turns out that visit with my aunt was canceled anyway. If you need a friend for the wedding, I can be there. To help you get over your, um, break-up… Might be nice to have company, right?”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks.”

I barely even register the words I’m speaking. My mind’s on Olivia. Inside, I’m replaying the argument.

The stuff about the toothpaste was pretend.

But that thing about how she needs more out of a guy…?

That was real.

She even told me that when we were at the Airing Grievances class. She said she needs a guy who can talk about his feelings. She gave me a chance to do that in Moab, and I totally blew it.

Was that my only shot?

Did I screw up so bad that there’s no fixing it?

“Great,” Danielle says, behind me. “I’ll plan on it. And I’m sorry about what you’re going through, with Olivia. That can’t be easy.”

“No, it’s not.” Not easy at all.

Chapter 23


“Thanks for the ride,” I tell Maggie, after grabbing my suitcase out of the back of her Subaru.

“No, thank you. You saved my wedding. It’ll happen… thanks to the help you gave us.” She leans in to hug me, and I do my best to squeeze her back even though my arms feel limp.

I’m a balloon with not enough air. My very being feels small and deflated.

I wave her off and then trudge toward my grandparent’s garage.

How is it that the Couples in Crisis retreat was a huge successanda huge failure at the same exact time? At least Trent and Maggie are back on track.

I should be thankful for that. She gabbed about the wedding for the entire two-hour drive home and thanked me again and again for how I saved it.

I got a ride with her instead of Cole. One silent, tense ride with him was enough, thank you very much.

As I near the garage, I can see Blue out in the backyard. Cole agreed to drop him off here at my grandparents’ and it looks like he’s already fulfilled that promise.

Seeing Blue doesn’t fill me with joy like it did back at Sunrise Ranch, though. Now looking at the precious goat only makes me think about how me and Cole both rescued him. For a brief window of time, Blue wasourgoat.

I spot Grandpa Ray out there, work gloves on, playing battering ram to Blue’s playful headbutts. He waves, and I prop my suitcase by the garage door and head his way.
