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A song I hope to hear one day played for me…

Here Comes the Bride.

Just like in the rehearsal, the wedding planner ushers us bridesmaids forward, one by one, so that we’re spaced evenly. I do my best to walk slowly and not rush… even though inside, I feel like running. And not toward that flowery arch, either. I want to run back to Cole.

I want to tell him I said no toDream Vacation.

I want to ask him what it meant—that helicopter ride.

I want to tell him that even if it takes time, I want us to try to cross the tricky terrain that would take us from just friends to falling in real, lasting love.

But instead of running back, I walk forward carefully, step by step.

Chapter 27


It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do—stand here ten feet away from Olivia, in front of all these people, without being able to talk to her.

I want to talk to her. I want to tell her that I’ve been thinking about her, and about us and that I’m going to miss her like crazy when she goes to Bora Bora.

I want to tell her that I wish her luck with her new job. That I want her to be happy, no matter what.

It sucks that she’s leaving, but maybe…

Maybe something could happen for us later. Down the road. When the TV show work winds down.

When will that be?

I don’t know, but if I have to wait for her, I will…

I’m happy for Trent as he says his vows to Maggie, but restless, too. My gaze keeps sliding over to Olivia, and I’ve caught her looking at me more than a few times, too. But even though I’m caught up in thoughts of Olivia, my heart swells up when the preacher tells Trent to kiss his bride. I clap along witheveryone else as he picks Maggie up so her feet leave the ground, kisses her, and swings her around.

It’s good, seeing them finally tie the knot.

I get a lump in my throat and have to blink like crazy as I slap Trent’s back when we hug, minutes later.

“Congrats, dude.”

“I love you, man,” he tells me, his voice about as ragged as mine. We’re two Adventure Bros, trying not to betoomushy, epically failing.

I can’t help it. This guy’s my business partner and my best friend.

“Love you, too, man,” I tell him. “So glad I get to be here with you for this. Congrats again.”

He checks over his shoulder, and I catch a brief glimpse of Olivia. But then she’s gone, hidden behind another bridesmaid.

The guitar music’s kicked up and a fiddler is playing now, too, a bouncy bluegrass song. Behind us, the guests are up on their feet, and Maggie’s hugging her mother. There’s no formal line-up. It’s anything goes from here on out.

When Olivia appears again, she’s closer, only a few feet from Trent. She’s getting tugged away by another bridesmaid, and I hear her protest.

“Hang on, I’ll be right over.”

She joins me and Trent, her face flushed, brushing her bangs away. “Sheesh. Is this a wedding or one big photo shoot? My face muscles are turning to mush.”

She massages her cheeks, and Trent laughs. “My cheeks are sore, too.”

“They want you over there, too,” she says, knocking against him. “Post-vows, bridal party, by the picture window. In five minutes, sharp.”
