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“Oh.” Leighton matched her sincerity. She leaned in, making it feel very much like it was just them in the entirety of the restaurant. “I’d really like another one of these.”

“Bottles of wine?” Jamie asked in order to not be too presumptive.

Leighton didn’t hesitate. “Another night like this. With you.”

“My turn to sayoh.” A pause struck because Jamie was a little drunk, and it had nothing to do with the wine.

“You haven’t actually responded.”

She was living happily in this moment of direct eye contact that felt decidedly like foreplay. “I’m supposed to do that?”

Leighton nodded. “Customary.”

“Good point.” She pulled her gaze away for a moment to avoid combustion before refocusing with confidence. “I’m all in. I want another date with you, too. But I’m buying next time.”

“Whatever you want, Ms. Tolliver.”

Leighton handed the small leather portfolio and her credit card to their friendly server.

When she returned to them, she paused. “Why do I get the impression we’re celebrating something. An anniversary?”

“No,” Leighton said in amusement.

“This is actually our first date,” Jamie told her.

“Wow. First? Because there’s a very natural chemistry here. I’m just saying that you heard it here first.” She placed a quick palm on the table. “Enjoy your night. Invite me to the wedding.”

She scurried away, leaving them to laugh at the comment, which only confirmed to Jamie that the date had likely gone as well as she thought it had. When they arrived on the sidewalk out front, she felt like she was floating. Night had fallen, and the busy streets had thinned to only an occasional passerby.

Leighton looked up from her phone. “The app says my ride is one minute away.”

“New York certainly excels at rideshare. Dammit.” It wasn’t the best thing she’d said all evening. But a new bundle of nerves swarmed her as they approached their good night. Would there be a kiss, and how would she possibly handle that without her everything short-circuiting?

“Oh, and I think that’s me coming down the block. Your car is close?” Leighton asked.

“Two minutes out,” Jamie said as a white sedan pulled up alongside them. Her least favorite car ever. Did tonight have to end?

“I had the best time with you,” Leighton said, giving her hand a squeeze.

“I did, too. I still am,” Jamie said, not wanting to let go of her hand.

“Good night, Jamie.” Leighton slid into the back seat of the car and looked up at her.

“Night, Bambi’s Mom,” she said with a cheeky smile and closed the door. She stepped back onto the curb and paused to watch the car drive away. As it approached the corner, the brake lights flared, and it came to a stop. Leighton opened the door, exited the car, and walked to Jamie with purpose.

Jamie quirked her head. “Did you forget some—”

“I did forget something. Yes.” Jamie’s lips were then claimed, occupied by a kiss from the most entrancing woman she’d ever met. All that was left to do was surrender, and oh, she did. Their lips moved slowly together as the lights of the city twinkled around them. The surprising part was how well they kissed together, as if they’d had years of practice. That had to be a sign. Who kissed so perfectly the first time? Jamie could have kissed Leighton for hours.

“Sorry.” Leighton pulled back, searching her eyes with a smile. “Just couldn’t go home without doing that first,” Leighton said quietly, her gaze alternating between Jamie’s eyes and her mouth. “There was no way.”

“I’m glad you came back.”

Leighton stole another soft kiss before taking a couple of steps back. Jamie had to have hearts dancing in a circle over her head. The Earth had just shifted. She was sure of it. “Maybe I’ll see you for coffee soon.”

“We also have merlot, you know,” Jamie said. “I hear you’re a fan.”

“All the more reason to mix up my visits. Sweet dreams, Jamie Tolliver. I have a feeling you might show up in mine.”
