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Clarissa fell over and covered her face with a pillow, muffling the laughter. “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We have to tell my mom.”

“We absolutely do not. She already thinks I made you gay by proximity. Next, she’ll think I listen in on my neighbors.”

“She’s a work in progress. She adores you just as much as the rest of the world.” A pause. “So, what’s it like showing up to those meetings in the same room as Bambi’s Mom?”

“No comment.”

“Not allowed. When we sit on my couch and drink two glasses of rosé, we share freely and without thought. Now, go. Leighton is the topic. Expound, por favor.”

“Pushy as always. Fine.” She gave the question her full attention and tried to explain how spending time with Leighton felt. And there were many feelings. Warring ones, even. “It’s kind of a mindfuck, to be honest.”

“Harsh language from the Jamester. I like it.”

“There’s no other way to say it.” She grappled for the right words. “I see her and think she’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever spoken to, but I also hate her for what she almost did. Then there’s the part where she lied straight to my face, literally right after sleeping with me. So, I don’t trust her. Never will.”

“Does that mean after the charity event, you’ll part ways forever and ever?”

This was a test. “Well, there’s a development I hadn’t mentioned.” She’d been too afraid that actually speaking Leighton’s proposal into the universe would make it real, and she’d have to come to a decision on what in hell she was going to do about it. The offer was hugely tempting, almost too good to be real, and also the most terrifying thing that had ever happened to Jamie. Was she really prepared to dance with the devil?

“I’ll need to hear this development in glorious detail.”

“She wants to financially back a new Bordeauxnuts. A silent partner, so to speak. She puts up the money, and I make the decisions for the running of the business.”

Clarissa’s response was to swat her hard across the arm.

Jamie covered the wound in offense. “Ow! You can’t just wallop me!”

“I can so,” Clarissa said, bucking up. “This development should have been the first thing uttered when you crossed the threshold, like a goddamn hello. We’re approaching two hours in. You can’t deliver the goods two hours in.”

“I was working up to it.”

“And?” Clarissa demanded, ignoring her. “Are you gonna do it?”

Jamie exhaled slowly. “I haven’t gotten that far.”

“But you turned down the franchise offer, and now I’m thinking it was because you had this little deal on your desk the whole time.”

“Only partially the reason. The franchise wasn’t right for me.”

“I agree. But is Leighton?” Clarissa arched a brow, suggesting her meaning extended beyond simply business.

“No. Most certainly not in the way your face is insinuating. But maybe, just maybe, this is the step up I would need, and it fell into my lap within twenty-four hours of having to deliver my answer to that Michael Stoneking guy.” She lifted a shoulder and paused, trying to slow her racing thoughts and rapid-fire speech. She harnessed her zen and pressed on, slower. “I also happen to believe in signs, and the timing was too freaky to fully ignore.”

“Do it. Who cares if she lies after sex? She’ll want to protect her investment, and she seems to have done well for herself, careerwise.”

They held eye contact. “You think I should? Because I value your opinion and am worried I can’t see this thing as clearly as I want to.”

“I one hundred do. It’s like you said, timing wise. There’s an arrow draped in destiny pointing boldly to Leighton. Follow it.”

“I can’t fathom that this might happen. I suppose there’s always the chance she’ll flake and change her mind.” Jamie took a moment. “But I get the feeling she’s a driven person.”

“Maybe she could drive right into you.”

Jamie widened her eyes. “No more rosé for you. Cut off!”

“But I’m the bride.”

“You can only play that card for a couple more months.”
