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“I know. It was awful. I panicked that night, and the words were out before I could stop them. I had this grandiose plan that the right moment would come along for me to tell you. In fact, I was hoping to tell you at dinner that night, but when I got to your apartment…”

“I made a move. Didn’t matter. You’re an adult. You gently stop me and confess.”

“I should have.”

“Let’s focus on the business and the future, okay?” Jamie stood. “We’ll talk soon.”

“Okay. I look forward to it.”

Jamie left the restaurant, and Leighton sat back, heavier than she’d been just a few minutes ago. Through the large front-facing window, she watched Jamie in front of the hotel, studying her phone. The world whipped past her, and when the traffic light changed, she eased her way to the other side of the street and disappeared into the throngs, a metaphor if Leighton had ever seen one.

But today, she celebrated. The contracts were signed, and she and Jamie were officially partners. In just an hour, they had plans to visit several locations Jamie had on her radar for the new storefront. She felt the new shop would thrive in Hell’s Kitchen, away from the tourists in Times Square but still adjacent enough to benefit from the overflow.

“I’ve zeroed in on a ten-block radius north of Forty-Ninth Street and ranked my choices sight unseen. Of course, that could all be upended once we get into the spaces,” she told Leighton over the phone. They’d scheduled a brief call to get their ducks in a row before meeting with the agent who would show them the listings.

“I don’t want you to sell yourself on anything until you see it in person. I do have a little bit of experience in real estate.”

“I’ve heard that somewhere.”

“And after Eduardo sent the listings over, I spent some time writing up an analysis.”

Jamie was quiet on the other end of the phone. “I’m impressed.” She said the words softly, almost to herself. “And I do want your expert opinion.”

“Not a problem. And you can determine functionality and aesthetic once we’re in each space.”

“Go, team. See you soon?”

Leighton grinned. It was going to be a good day. She could feel it. “You’re on.”

* * *

“Coffee station here. Dining room over there, but there’s really not sufficient space for the lounge, so we’d have to get creative.” Jamie surveyed the petite spot. Square footage was pricey in this neighborhood, but Hell’s Kitchen came with just the right combination of trendy and authentic. She couldn’t discard the neighborhood just because she couldn’t have everything she’d once hoped.

Her Realtor, Eduardo, quirked his head. “Lounge?” His purple tie had swung onto his shoulder. Jamie fixed it.

“You call it the couch section,” Jamie said. “You met your last boyfriend there, if I recall.”

“Accurate. But he stole my sister’s identity and ruined her credit, so I’m not sure if I should love you for that one.”

“You still should because there were free doughnuts along the way. It’s a trade-off.”

“I’m going to have to think about that one, Jamie. I will do so over more doughnuts, however.”

Jamie strolled the space. “Regardless of identity theft, the loungeis great for board games on a rainy night or snuggling close on a couch with the person you came in with.” In the corner of the empty retail space, she saw Leighton smother a soft smile. She’d been extra-quiet as they toured potential storefronts, likely trying to walk the walk of the investor/consultant. Admirable, but Jamie did want Leighton’s opinion on a decision as large as this one, which was implicitly why she’d asked her to be there. She knew real estate risk. It was actually the mechanism for their initial meeting. “What do you think of this one?”

Leighton peered out the front-facing window. “Lots of natural light, which psychologically draws people in. It’s a great street with lots of action. Most of the businesses have been here for years, which speaks to viability. The neighborhood is growing, another selling point, but the square footage doesn’t leave you much wiggle room. Literally. How are you going to feel being boxed in three years from now?”

“That being said, we can put in whatever offer you want and adjust for the petite size,” Eduardo told them. “But I do think the clock is ticking on all of these properties. When you know what you want, we need to act fast.”

“Which we’re prepared to do, right?” Leighton turned to her.

“Absolutely.” Jamie exhaled, the enormity of this decision sitting square on her shoulders. But she was also thrilled with the entire prospect. “I even had trouble sleeping last night because I’m so unbelievably ready. I had to count cheeseburgers. There were thousands by the time I finally drifted off. Woke up so hungry.”

“Cheeseburgers?” Leighton asked, coming to stand next to her. She picked up the faint cotton candy scene of her perfume. Maybe her soap. Why did it bother her that she didn’t know which?

“Yes. They’re captivating and fit right in your hand. I will eat a cheeseburger any time of the day or night. People don’t appreciate them enough.”

Leighton raised an eyebrow, signaling intrigue. “I’ll never handle a sleepless night the same way again.”
