Page 62 of Wildest Love

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“I only want perfect for you Aspen because you deserve just that.”

I can’t cope with sweet Riggs. I have been teleported back to when we were helpless teens who knew nothing about this world we lived in, where we were both so silly to think that we would always be together. I never wanted to leave. I wanted to live in this moment forever.

He rolls over, laying on his back as he takes his hat off and lays it on his chest, his knees bent as he gets comfortable. I follow, lying next to him as our fingertips brush, my fingers tapping up as I wait to see if he locks his with mine and within minutes, he does.

The air is crisp, the night is clear, and the stars look beautiful up against the violet night sky. We lay in silence and hours slip past in the blink of an eye. It’s not an awkward silence, it’s comfortable.

“It’s so peaceful out here,” I whisper and I roll my head to look at Riggs.

“It is,” he mumbles, he sounds tired.

“We can go if you’re tired, I know you’re up in a few hours,” I say softly.

“Baby, I’m not going anywhere. Do you know how long I have waited to be lying next to you like this again? To stargaze with you?”

I nibble on my bottom lip to fight my smile. The once bright moon has been eclipsed by clouds and the stars are becoming harder to spot.

“Maybe the stars have decided for us,” I laugh as I sit up slowly, looking out at the view in front of me, the once green fields now blanketed in pitch black.

“Maybe,” his fingers find mine again as he locks them together. I scrunch my nose when I feel a drop of rain land on the top of my head and I groan.

I go to move but Riggs tightens his grip.

“Riggs?” I look at him confused.

“I need to make up for when I left you out in the rain,” he mutters and I am utterly confused.

“What?” I whisper.

“I fought with myself the whole time you were standing outside my room crying and begging me to come down. All I wanted to do was to run down to you, take your pretty face into my hands and kiss your tears away until you had none left to cry…” he pauses and the breath catches at the back of my throat as the little drop of rain turns into a hundred more.

“Riggs,” I breathe.

“Let me kiss you in the rain Aspen,” he kneels up and pulls me into him, his hands cupping my face, his eyes falling to my lips as he edges towards me cautiously. My breath stutters, my heart beating along with his deep within my chest, my eyes on his as I fall helplessly into his soul.

“Kiss me in the rain Riggs,” I whisper against his lips and before I’ve even finished his name, his lips are covering mine. His tongue slipping past and caressing mine as he kisses away all the mistakes we both made, the pain that we both put each other through and finally piecing every broken part of us back together to make us whole again. The invisible string that was once slack now pulls tight, knotted and holding us both together. I lean into him, the rain pouring over us through an earth-shattering kiss that leaves both of us panting. He breaks away, his eyes closed and I let out a nervous laugh.

Darting my eyes to the side, I see his cowboy hat and I remember his warning from all those years ago.

“Don’t, don’t do that,” he sounds pained and my heart sinks.

“Why not?”

“You’ll belong to me, whether you want it or not and I’m not going to burden you with that. We’re friends Aspen, I care a lot about you… too much to tie you to me forever.”

The difference now though, is we were already tied together.

My heart gallops and my skin prickles. I reach beside him and lift his hat, hovering it over my now soaked head.

Riggs gives me a knowing look, his lips pressing into a smile.

“You know darlin’ as soon as that hat lands on your head, you belong to me, you become mine Wildflower…forever”

“Make me yours, Riggs.” I just manage to rush out as I let the hat fall onto my head.

His lips crash over mine once more and we’re completely unphased that we’re kneeling on the back of a truck bed in the pouring rain. We’re too lost in each other to notice our clothes are soaked through, tongues dancing, teeth clashing, eyes closed as our hands grope and grab at each other’s clothes. I still have Riggs’ cowboy hat on and I don’t plan on taking it off anytime soon. Something about wearing it and knowing that he has claimed me as his own by the one simple move of wearing his hat fills me with a confidence I have never felt before.

His large hands cling to my waist, his fingers pushing into my skin which makes it pebble under his touch and I feel the heat blossom between my thighs.
