Page 66 of Wildest Love

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Crimson pinches at my skin, my hands slowly gliding up his bare torso as my fingers loop round his scars, drawing a heart that only he can feel.

His arms circle my waist, pulling me closer to him as we both sit in comfortable silence, our hearts racing against each other and it’s back to being just me, Riggs and the stars.

* * *

Riggs slowsas he pulls into my driveway, the tires crunching across the gravelled drive. His hand has been resting between my thighs the entire drive, the odd stare at me when we halt at stoplights, his lips pulling at the corner and all I can do is smile back as my cheeks burn with a cherry red blush. The truck rolls to a halt and my heart skips in my chest as I unbuckle myself and twist to face Riggs.

“Thank you for tonight…” I drop my head and smirk, hidden by the shadows. Within seconds, his fingers are gripping my chin and lifting my face up so I’m no longer hidden.

“Baby,” he rasps, smiling, his eyes exploring my face, “you don’t need to thank me…” my chest rises and falls as my breaths become a little shallower.

He leans across and softly brushes his lips against mine, the fire that was gently crackling away was now a burning ember slowly losing its control in the depths of me. I let my tongue explore his mouth as our kiss deepens, his fingers loosening their grip on my chin but his hand scoops round the back of my head as he holds me in place, our kiss slow as we savour every second that passes in the moment.

It was the perfect kiss for the perfect night.

Reluctantly, I pull away and I hear him suck in a breath as I do, his hand still firmly in place.

“I better get going,” I whisper asWild Loveby James Bay begins to play through the radio, my skin prickling in goosebumps as Riggs breaks his eye contact and gives a gentle nod. My heart thrums in my chest, the thought of leaving him makes my soul ache but I know I have to.

“See you soon then?” Riggs smiles as he settles back in his seat, and my own smile grows.

“See you soon then,” I nod, a nervous girl-like giggle bubbling out of me as I open the door and jump out the truck.

I hover for a moment, turning to get one last look at him in the cab of his truck, a glowing aura around him and I know it’s from the dim streetlamps that my dad put in place for my fear of the dark. But his aura is pure and wholesome and even without the streetlamps I can see how it radiates from him. I feel myself gravitate towards him, and all I want to do is tie myself to him, tie our souls together so we’re in an infinite bond that no one can ever break.

“You are beautiful Riggs Rivera,” I whisper into the darkness before closing the door behind me and practically skipping through the front door.

Sneaking upstairs, I miss the creaky floorboard as I slip into my room and press it closed softly.

My eyes cast to the time, it’s just after midnight and I smile as my mind retraces over the night’s events, the way his mouth was on mine, the way his fingers played me as if he was the only man to have ever touched me in that way. I nibble on my bottom lip, suddenly feeling hot and flushed.

Lifting my jumper over my head, I bring it to my nose and inhale deeply as Riggs’ scent consumes me. I walk towards my bathroom and drop my clothes into the wash hamper. Turning the faucet, the water grumbles and bangs through the pipes. I wait for a moment or two for the hot water to kick in, so I skim across to the mirror that hangs over the sink and I look back at myself. I look so different than I did when I turned up here four months ago. I feel better, look healthier and my skin has a natural glow to it without the need for thick foundation to give me what I have now and the constant need I felt to be picture perfect no longer plagues me. My skin is a little dryer, my lips a little more chapped, but my eyes are bright and full of life, my heart even feels as if it beats a little harder in my chest each day I’ve been back here. And I realise it’s because I have found myself again, I am back home where I am loved and where I love to be.

I left a sad, broken-hearted young girl but I have returned strong, still a little broken woman.

But I am happy. I am loved.

And for a few years, I forgot what feeling loved truly felt like.

* * *

Dressedin an oversized tee and stone-coloured leggings, my feet are snug in my slippers. The mornings are still a little cool and I am snuggled in my dad’s office sitting in front of my laptop. My fingers are curled around a mug of cocoa as I read back over what I had written a few days ago. Sighing, I playexileby Taylor Swift featuring Bon Iveras I let the music pulse through me, my heart thumping against my chest as the words echo around my mind. The lyrics feel so raw to me suddenly because of how me and Riggs started and how we just existed in a world without each other for a while. It had always been Riggs. Even when I was with Luke, Riggs was always my first thought of a morning and my last one of an evening, I just didn’t let the thoughts linger for too long.

My fingers begin dancing over the keys, my head cocking to the side slightly as I lose myself in this fictional world that comes from a locked safe place, tucked away in the depths of my heart, the story of me and Riggs. The one I’d let myself play out in my mind on lonely nights. The one where we didn’t leave each other. The one where he did show for prom. The one where we got our happily ever after.

Engrossed, I didn’t even realise that footsteps had approached behind me until I felt his arms skim around my waist, his head brushing against the top of my head and I smile, my skin prickling and my insides warm and cosy.

“Hey you,” Riggs’ voice is low and raspy, one of my favorites.

“Hey you,” I mimic and spin around in my chair to see him, but not before locking my laptop screen.

“You okay?” he asks as he falls into the seat opposite me, a silly ass grin on his face.

“I am,” I reach for my cocoa and turn my attention to him once more. “Are you?”

“Darlin’ I am perfect,” his smile widens, and I can’t help but widen mine, my jaw aching.

“Why are you hiding out in here? Not busy?”
