Page 139 of Fierce Obsession

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I glower at Miles, but my younger brother shrugs me off. He goes in after Greyson, leaving me alone in the hall.

So naturally, I rush in after them—and stop short.

Haverhill is on the floor in the middle of the room. Unconscious? Dead? I have no fucking idea. I don’t want to know. The thought of it kind of makes me sick, to be quite frank. Aurora was here. And when Greyson reappears from the bedroom, shaking his head, it confirms that she’s not any longer.

“Is he?—?”

“Alive,” Miles confirms, rising from where he had crouched next to Joel. “Just passed out.”

“Great. Let’s wake him up, see what the fuck is happening?—”

“About time you showed up.”

We all whirl around.

Camden Church steps in, his hands in his pockets. Unassuming as always. Except right now, I want to beat his brains in.

“Before you start, Knox, Aurora was already here when I sent her burner phone that text. For you.” He lifts one shoulder. “And she was safe from Luke Abernathy…”

I stare at him. “And why should we believe you?”

“My sister lives upstairs. I have Luke’s phone cloned, as I explained to Aurora. I knew he was sending someone to come intercept her.” Church eyes me just as hard as I’m eyeing him. “And to answer your question, she left in the middle of the night because she was afraid of not getting any more chances.”

“How do you know this?” Greyson asks. “No offense, man, but you seem to be showing up at the most opportune times.”

Church lifts one shoulder. “Knox mentioned some things that helped put the pieces together. I went from there. As I said—I knew of Abernathy’s involvement for a while now, with no way to stop it. Plus your added security?—”

Miles shoots me a look.

Okay, so maybe I told Church about that, too.

“It meant he couldn’t get to her in your building.”

That’s what we had concluded, too. But where is she?

“If you kept her safe—is she upstairs?” I start toward him.

“He said was,” Greyson says quietly. “Shewassafe from Abernathy.”

Church’s expression turns to regret. “She said to point you in the right direction. That she trusted you to find her.”


No, no,no.

“You let her go?” I roar. I lunge forward without thinking.

Miles and Greyson catch my arms before I can take down the Titans’ captain. And oh, I’d rip his bloody face off if they let me.

“What the fuck?” My voice bounces around in my ears.

They haul me back and toss me on the couch, but I’m on my feet in an instant.

Camden pulls a phone out of his pocket and tosses it to me. “The cloned phone. Track it, do whatever you want with it. But I’d start with the arena.”

I stop. “What? Why?”

“Because he texted his father to meet him there in an hour. Check it if you don’t believe me. And come on, Knox. He owns the rink, just like he thinks he owns us. Why wouldn’t he go somewhere he thinks is safe?”
