Page 34 of Forbidden Encore

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“That's good, baby. And tell me who I am to you.”

My eyes widen, the words on my tongue. His previous declaration that I was his wife still lingers in my mind. I can’t say it yet though. It would be crazy, right?

“You’re mine,” I answer and swivel my hips against his thrusts.

His eyes flare in triumph, and he finds my clit again, rubbing it fast and slow while thrusting his cock hard and deep. My orgasm builds and builds, his thrusts forcefully driving me to the edge. I can’t hold him tight enough, my hands frantic, my nails biting into his skin. Until my body is pitched over the edge of pleasure once more.

I scream his name and feel my inner muscles clamp down on his length. “Fuck, baby you come so beautifully.” His hand flexes on my throat and the other digs into the bed at my side. His eyes are glazed with pleasure. He thrusts once, twice, three times before shoving himself as deep as he can, brushing against my cervix. I feel the hot release of his cum while he says my name over and over, his forehead pressed against mine.

We’re both panting when Ezra pulls out, shifts to his side and props up on his elbow. I go to move with him, but his hands shoot out. “No, baby, just rest. I’ll get us cleaned up in a second.”

I lie there with his large hand on my stomach and guilt starts to creep in. “There was no one else.”

“What?” He glances up at me.

“There were no other guys. I. I did it myself,” I confess.

Shock moves across Ezra’s face and is followed by confusion. “What do you mean?”

I sigh and move to sit up, but he gently pushes me back down, his hard body crowding mine. “I did it myself. I bought a BOB and broke my own hymen. I thought you left me because you didn’t want me. That everything I had been feeling meant nothing. I didn’t want to feel that way ever again. It was the same time that the rumor started of that singer, Mikael, taking that one girl’s virginity started circling, and they said he had pictures.”

“I remember,” Ezra whispers.

“I didn’t want that to ever happen to me. I only trusted you. I would never trust any other man to have sex with me and not think he was a big shot for getting Ocean Heart’s virginity, or getting paid thousands for proof of blood. So I took away that option. I didn’t think anyone would ever find out.” Tears spring to my eyes. “I didn’t think you were ever coming back.”

Ezra pulls me closer to him, tightening his hold around me. “I will never leave you again.” I nod against his naked skin, my fingers brushing away the tears I leave on him. I want to hold him too. My leg rises and that’s when I feel it. The sticky mess between my thighs.


He looks down and notices it too. “Oh shit.” His fingers swipe down, gathering his cum, before shoving it back inside me. “Fuck, I love seeing you like this.”

He does it a second and a third time while my brain tries to catch up to what he’s doing, how wrong it is. While at the same time, my body is heating, wanting more, more, more. I shake myself out of the spell he’s putting me under and roll away from him, slipping off the bed and grabbing for my clothes before he can snatch me back.

“Ezra. We didn’t use a condom.”

His eyes darken and glitter, a smirk tugs at his lips. He sits up in my bed, the sheet pooling around his stomach. I can see the outline of his cock from here and it makes my cheeks flame red.

“I haven’t been with anyone for three years and had checkups and physicals in the meantime. I’m clean. I wouldn’t do anything to harm you.”

I gape at him. “Well, that's great and all, except we didn’t think about birth control at all.”

“You aren’t on the pill or anything still?”

“No.” I slam my hand against my head. “I never had a reason to. And I thought if my life got to this point where I was considering sex, I’d go see my doctor.”

His face shutters and he climbs out of bed, reaching for his jeans. “So don’t.”

“What? Are you crazy?”

He shrugs. “I want you forever. To me that means marriage and babies and I don’t really care which order they come in. You’re already mine.”

“You can’t be serious. I’m on tour still.” He prowls toward me, looping his arms around my back.

“You wouldn’t even be showing yet when the tour is finished.”

“I.” My brain is sluggish and I can’t think while he’s holding me and saying words like marriage and babies. “This isn’t right. I’m eighteen.”

“Nineteen soon,” he reminds me, his hands sliding down to squeeze the fleshy part of my ass cheeks.
