Page 16 of Fourth and Long

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If we’re going to hang out, do I treat her as a friend?

“Well…um…” What could we do? “We could do the running thing.”

Her face lights up. “You run and I ride?”

“Sure.” I shrug. I’m going to look ridiculous with her riding on a scooter next to me. I wonder if I could convince her to jog, too?

She pulls out her phone and starts tapping.

“I don’t suppose you enjoy jogging?”

She laughs. “There’s one of those scooter stands two blocks away.”

“So, that’s a no on the jogging?”

“Nope. Sorry.” She doesn’t look sorry.

“Scooter stand it is,” I reply as I shovel the last bite of eggs in my mouth. “Let me finish eating and do some stretching before we go.” I do not play around when it comes to exercising. I cannot afford an injury.

She fiddles with the handle on one of the cabinets while I dig into the yogurt.

The silence stretches. It’s awkward. I want to break it, but I also kind of like it. How pitiful is it that I’m enjoying an awkward silence because it means I’m not alone?

“Tell me about Amber,” Ellie says casually.

Normally when someone asks about Amber, I deflect. But something about Ellie makes me want to talk to her. “We’ve been friends forever.”

“It’s an odd pairing,” she remarks.

“Is it, though?”

She purses her lips. “I suppose not. An athlete and a pop star who are both famous and used to the spotlight. Are you sure you’re not dating?”

I chuckle. I might as well tell her. It isn’t like it’s a secret. “I’m sure—but once upon a time, we did.”

“I knew it.” She springs forward like I’ve shared the most interesting news ever. “Why didn’t it work out?”

“Are we in my high school cafeteria?”

“Wait a second—” Her eyes widen. “You knew Amber in high school?”

“We were high school sweethearts.”

She practically swoons. Everyone loves Amber. It’s almost impossible not to. She’s the most genuine and kind superstar on the planet.

“You’re kidding. High school sweethearts. Why didn’t it work out?” she asks again.

“We were high school sweethearts. That shit never works out.”

She nods slowly. “Did you love her?”

It’s an intrusive question. And not one I would normally answer, but I respond anyway. “Amber was my first love.”

Ellie’s expression goes dreamy, and I choke back a laugh.

“Your first love. That’s so sweet.” She exhales and then leans against the counter again. “Are you still in love with her?”

Is she kidding? “What?”
