Page 13 of Protecting Lila

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She grins up at me, taking a step closer as I close her car door for her.

“What would you have done?” She asks me as she takes another step closer to me.

“What do you mean?”

“What would you have done if I was out with you?”

My stomach drops and I can’t take it anymore. I want her; I have since the very first moment that I saw her, and I can’t resist her any longer.

I step towards her, closing the gap between us. I reach up, cupping her face in my hands as I lower my mouth slowly to hers. Our eyes lock, and we watch each other as my mouth lands on hers. Her eyes flutter closed, and mine close soon after.

Her lips are so soft and full as they move against mine. She melts against me, and I bite back a groan as my hands drop to her waist and I pull her flush against me. Her curves fit perfectly against mine, and she moans as my erection digs into her soft stomach.

That has my blood heating, and I deepen the kiss. I lick against the seam of her lips, and she opens for me, just as greedy for me as I am for her.

My tongue slips into her mouth, and now it’s my turn to moan. She tastes like sugar and honey. She tastes just as sweet as she is.

My fingers dig into her hips when she starts to squirm against me, and all I can think about is taking her to bed. Hell, I don’t even need a bed. Her car is closer.

A car horn starts to beep nearby, and Lila gasps and pulls away from me. My hands cling to her for a moment before I reluctantly let her go.

Her eyes are wide and we stare at each other for a beat. All I can wonder is what happens now that I’ve opened that door between us because I don’t want to close it.




Warren releases me,and I drop back down onto my heels. My lips are tingling from the way that he kissed me, and I can’t help but grin up at him.

“It’s about time,” I tell him, and he laughs.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I met you,” he admits.

“Why’d you wait so long?”

“It’s… complicated.”

I want to ask him more about that, but before I can, he’s turning and motioning for me to walk with him. We head towards the stairs, and I reach out, taking his hand.

“Did your date kiss you?” He asks me suddenly, and I shake my head.

“I was out with Pia and her husband for dinner. It wasn’t a date,” I admit to him.

He blinks, looking shocked, and then he drops my hand like I’ve burned him. I can tell that he doesn’t know how to feel about my little deception and I start to feel kind of guilty. Until he moves, stepping away from me and towards his apartment.

I frown, wanting to follow after him, but I force myself to stay put.

“What are you doing?” I ask him and he looks away from me and back out to the parking lot.

I sigh, disappointment threatening to crush me. I know what he’s about to do. I’ve only known this man for a week now and know he’s about to run.

“What was that for?” He asks.


“The sigh.”
