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Her breasts were warm and heavy in my hands, and I teased her nipples as she lowered my pants. I pulled her close and felt her body conform perfectly to me.

“Take me to bed, Sebastian,” she begged, and I was more than happy to oblige. I wrapped my arm under her legs and cradled her back with the other, pulling her into a kiss. Her arms wrapped around my neck in a bear hug, controlling the kiss. I stepped out of my pants and brought my beautiful mate to the bed.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, startling me, and I could feel her moisture welcome me home.

“Lay back, my mate.” She spoke softly, and her words had me aching for her touch. I happily complied, pulling us both furtheronto the bed. She smiled at me and flicked her tongue across my chest before capturing my nipple in her mouth. Her teeth grazed the surface, and electricity shot down my core. Her lips moved lower and kissed a smooth rhythm across my skin. My fingers found her hair and gently spun a curl at the end.

I looked down as she fisted my shaft, her sapphire eyes looking up at me as her hands worked to hold me. I licked my lips as she squeezed from the bottom to the top, one finger at a time before lapping at the precum at the tip. She was spectacular in every way, and with her about to take me in her mouth, I was honored.

She wrapped her lips around the head and her tongue danced in circles as she took more in. I moved my fingers through her hair, anchoring them on her head. She began to move up and down on my length and I swelled, reveling in the pressure.

I wanted more of her, so I pulled her head back and helped her move up my body. She wasted no time in positioning herself on top and she slid down with a moan, taking all of me in one go. I clenched my ass and her body worked a kegel routine with me inside of her. I wrapped my fingers around her ass, one cheek in each hand, and lifted her slowly, letting gravity take her down again. She arched her head back and moaned. Her cries of desire were music to my ears, and euphoria overtook me.

She tilted her head down and kissed me with a gratitude that I felt in my bones. Her beautiful body lay prostrate atop mine. The connection I felt to this woman was a gift that I didn't deserve but would never give away.

“I love you, Bright Eyes.” I kissed her one last time before she slid off of me and pressed her body into my side. I turned my head to lose myself in the depths of her eyes and was greeted with a smile.

“Sebastian.” Her voice was soft and seemed far away.

“Yes, my mate,” I said, willing to do anything for her.

“Sebastian, you have to wake up.” I blinked, but my vision only got fuzzier with the motion until it transitioned into darkness.

“Sebastian.” Alexandra's beautiful voice came from the darkness, and I fluttered my eyelids open.

“He's waking up.” Her voice was so cheerful that I smiled, and the movement caused pain.

“I'm here.” Her smiling face blocked out the light as I looked at her. She had some minor cuts that looked like they’d been healing for a few days, but she was still the most extraordinary thing I had ever seen.

“I dreamed of you,” I said, reaching up to cradle her face in my hand. Her beautiful, bright, blue eyes pulled me into their depths, and I kissed her softly, pressing into the love I felt for her. She giggled when I released her.

“No wonder it took you so long to wake up. You were insatiable at the beach house. I can only imagine what we were doing in your dreams.” Her smile warmed my soul, and at that moment, nothing else mattered.

“I’m glad to see you awake, boy.” Carlos’ voice came from the doorway.

I turned my head to smile at my mentor, who was covered with a few scrapes of his own.

“Carlos saved us.” Alexandra smiled, reaching her hand to him, and I melted at the two people I loved the most in this world.

“It was nothing, just some keen navigation.”

“I was fine once I turned back. But you…” she said, her hand resting on my heart. “It took all night to stabilize you. Carlos used his blood in the transfusion.” I felt my heart beat with pride as she told me the story. He had always had my back, and now he’d put his life on the line for me.

“It was nothing.” Carlos had never liked praise, and I laughed as he shook off Alexandra's adoration. “This girl never left your side. Destined mates if I ever saw one. At times, I swore she fed you strength when your body ran out.” I looked at Alexandra and took her face in my hand.

“You are my mate, and I am yours.”

“Damn right, I am,” she said, a smile lighting her face. The soft curls of her red hair fell against her cheek, and I gently brushed them back before pressing a kiss to her lips.

Chapter seventeen


Living with a billionaire was a learning curve. He was so spoiled and got himself anything he wanted, so nothing was a surprise. He was also the most considerate man I knew, making me breakfast in bed. Well, he poured cereal into a bowl, and I was grateful he left the stovetop for me; he was a horrible cook. So, the morning he showed up with pancakes, I knew something was up. He proposed with butter: As it melted, the ring was exposed. The mound he used to cover the ring still makes me laugh.

He told me to spare no expense for the wedding, that I could have anything. I wanted a very intimate wedding, twenty people at the most, but he went all-out on the areas I let him. The venue was his private island, a choice I think he was disappointed to learn but was soon on board when I told him we needed a tent to hold the ceremony under. The wooden gazebo he designed specially for the event was handcrafted and properly anchored in the ground. The thought and care he put into the particularswarmed my heart, and I still enjoyed my afternoon naps in the hammock I hung across the beams.

My wedding day was a dream. Everything was relaxed, and when I walked down the aisle, I looked into the eyes of the man I loved and was grateful for the way he complimented me and my life. We balanced each other beautifully. He looked at me with such love and devotion that I was overwhelmed by the gifts I had been given.

Sebastian convinced me to return to his pack. The land had been empty since the attack when he was four. He planned for us to rebuild the place together. With him as the alpha, we decided to become a pack rather than remain lone wolves. So, he opened his doors to the lost, a gesture that only filled me with a greater appreciation for him.

It had been two years since Damien’s destruction, and I was pleased to share that at times I forgot it happened. I filled my days with challenges from my family and when I looked back at my life, I thanked my mother for having the strength to protect her daughter the best way she knew how. The abandonment and loss died with her killer.

I was proud to stand next to my alpha and knew that together, we could overcome anything. I live my life for the ones who are no longer around and do not let my past dictate the footsteps of my future. The laughter of my beautiful daughter was the best reminder that life would always provide a way back home, and that was all I could ever want.
