Page 27 of Shattered Dreams

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“You hated it,” Cal says sadly.

“I didn’t. I promise. I took notes so I can figure out where to add my parts to your songs,” I say, waving thenotebook in my hand around so he sees it. “I wasn’t really watching from a fan’s perspective tonight. I’ll do that tomorrow.”

Clapping suddenly comes from behind Cal. He turns and Kai is there, clapping sarcastically. I take him in. He’s wearing black jeans with rips in the knees and a silk short-sleeved button down that’s ivory with small red flowers. He only buttoned half of it, so his sweaty, muscular chest is on full display. His arms and chest are covered in tattoos that I can’t read from where I’m standing. He’s been in long-sleeve Henleys since I’ve been back, well other than this morning. Kai is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen, and I’m busy salivating over him until I see his eyes.

His icy blues chill me to the bone and burn me at the same time. He’s both fire and ice. So hot and cold that my head is always spinning when he’s near, and I don’t know which way is up.

“Good show, Kai,” I mutter. He’s still clapping and staring at me like I’ve insulted him.

“Just good, right Belle? You took notes in that little book of yours to figure out how to fix us. Swooping in to save the day and then leaving again once we’re not enough for you anymore? That’s what this is, right? Agreeing to play with us. You’re not going to stay.”

“That’s enough, Kai,” Cal says, the playfulness from earlier having been completely erased.

“No. I asked her a question, and I would like an answer. Are you going to stay?” Kai’s standing directly in front of me now. I can smell mint and cedarwood and sweat.

“I — I don’t know,” I stutter. His proximity throws me. I can smell him and feel the heat of his body. I’m annoyed with myself for the way my body reacts to him. It still wantshim, even with the way he’s treating me. My mind is a mess, and Kai is standing there with a spoon stirring it.

“That’s what I thought,” he responds, his voice angry, but his eyes show disappointment. He tries to walk away, but I grab his arm to stop him.

“No. You don’t get to be an asshole here. I don’t know what’s going on with my life at all. Where am I going to live when we get home? I don’t know. What am I going to do for work? I don’t know. Can I get my belongings without getting murdered? No idea.” I watch Kai blanch at my words, but it doesn’t stop me. My mind finally overrode my hormones, and I’m fucking pissed. I’m sick of his attitude. “I’m trying to figure out who I am and what I want all over again. You don’t get to be angry with me for that. Let me play at least one show with you before you turn me into the antichrist.”

I turn and walk away from him.


“Fuck you, Kai!” I yell over my shoulder.

“You deserved that, dude,” I hear Cal say before I turn the corner towards the dressing rooms.

I find Willa’s and barge in, not bothering to knock. I find her standing next to Mav. Both of them staring at a vase of flowers, looking nervous. Willa is chewing on the side of her lip and Mav looks pale.

“Did the flowers insult you?” I ask jokingly, trying to lighten the weird mood in here.

“They’re addressed to you,” Willa says. Her eyes meet mine, and I see concern there.

“That’s weird. Who are they from?” I ask, moving to get a better look.

The flowers are red chrysanthemums. I recognize them easily since my mom used to grow them in her garden every summer. I’ve never seen them in a vase like this before, though. I grab the note sitting in front of the flowers and read it.

It’s me and you,

Just us two.

Come back to me, my dove,

You’re my one and only love.

My hands shake so badly that I drop the paper. It’s not threatening from the outside. I’m sure that’s on purpose. I know it’s a threat, though.

Willa wraps her arms around me. “It’s him, isn’t it?” she whispers.

“I think so. How did he find out I was here?”

“Maybe he has someone following you,” Mav says.

“Fantastic. Love that for me. Can’t even escape him in another damn country.” I went from scared to angry so fast that I’m giving myself whiplash.

“What do you want to do?” Willa asks.
