Page 54 of Strung Along

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The confidence he exudes has always had a strong effect on me. It’s as natural for him as breathing is. I’ve only been around one other man who carries himself with that sort of confidence before—my sister’s husband—and I most definitely did not have the same reaction to him.Ew.

There’s something so different when it comes to Brody. Whether it has to do with the feelings I’m starting to grow for him or something as clean-cut as pure attraction, he makes my blood sing. Hearing him speak of what a man should andshouldn’t do for his woman . . . I squash my thighs together. If I let myself wonder about all of things he’d do for his woman, I’d leave a puddle on the truck seat.

“What’s it like to date as a celebrity?” I blurt out, watching him start at the sudden question.

He doesn’t answer instantly. Instead, he pulls the truck into his usual spot in front of the salon and puts it in park. When he looks at me again, it’s after fully twisting in his seat, facing me as much as he can. I suddenly wish there wasn’t a giant console between us.

“I haven’t dated anyone in years. Not since I got into music professionally. So, I’m probably not the best person to ask about this, but from the limited experience I have, I can say that it’s complicated. I think the way I treated you when we first met is a prime example of just how complicated it can be,” he explains, another hidden apology in the last sentence. An apology I don’t need.

“You’re constantly trying to see if someone is being genuine or not.”

He nods, trying to hide a wince. “Sometimes it can come back to bite me in the ass.”

“It didn’t bite you in the ass this time,” I muse, the corner of my lips tugging up.

Our gazes lock, holding for longer than normal. The sparkle in his pretty blue eyes makes my stomach flutter. How exactly am I supposed to keep from developing feelings for him when he treats me the way he does? Even as just friends, he’s made me feel more important and cared for than I ever have before. God, he’s dangerous.

Brody Steele is a land mine hidden in plain sight. I never stood a damn chance in avoiding him or the damage he’s sure to do to my heart when he leaves.

Because he will leave. He’s told me Cherry Peak was a temporary stop. I knew that and still let myself open up to him and accept him into my life. Only time will tell if that decision was worth it or if I’ll end up wishing I never accepted the first ride home.

“No, it didn’t. And while I’m sorry that jackass hurt you, I’m glad you wound up here,” he says, and the genuine words are enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

My cheeks heat again, but I don’t duck my head this time. I let him see my blush and pray he doesn’t turn away from it. When his eyes drift over my face, so focused yet soft at the same time, I swallow, and they follow the movement.

My breathing changes beneath the intensity of his stare, turning to sharp, quick inhales and uneven exhales. A new sense of tension yanks at my chest, like a cord has been hooked to the both of us and is shrinking in size, tugging us closer and closer. I want to lean into that tug, but does he?

“Happy I wound up in Cherry Peak or right here?” I whisper.

His eyes turn from soft to sharp so quickly I stop breathing altogether. I wouldn’t mind if he cut me with that stare as long as he kissed the wounds afterward.

“Both,” he says, voice low and deep.

My eyebrow twitches, begging to lift and for me to say some teasing remark, but I can’t. Not when I want to crawl over the stupid centre console between us and plop myself into his lap. And certainly not when we’re interrupted by the shrill sound of my phone ringing.

The majority of the tension is gone after the second ring, but some lingers, as if a promise to return.

I find my phone in my jacket pocket and take a steadying breath before answering the call.

“Hello?” God, I sound like I’ve just run a half marathon.

“Anna! I know you’re already out front—please tell Brody good morning for me, by the way—but I’ve got some surprise family friends stopping into town today and have moved all of our clients around, so I don’t need any stylists on shift,” Wanda explains.

“Oh! Okay, I’m good for work tomorrow, though?”

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know sooner, but I didn’t know before a half hour ago.”

“Don’t apologize. I’ll never turn down a free day off.”

I sense Brody’s attention and flash him a small smile. He wasted his time bringing me today, but I won’t apologize for the time I got with him.

“You’re my favourite. Thank you, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow. Bye, Wanda.”

Tucking my phone away, I say, “Turns out Wanda doesn’t need me today. She’s got surprise family friends arriving.”

Interest flares in his eyes. “Really? Did she say who?”
