Page 31 of Her Protector

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Iarched my back and groaned in ecstasy as Andrei's mouth descended on my pussy. He nibbled, sucked, and licked me as if I were his favorite dessert, and he was the kid that could eat until they were sick.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, the texture of the thick strands grounding me and surrounding me with even more sensations. His mouth was merciless, and I could barely breathe with the force of my desire weighing down on my chest.

"Daddy A, please," I begged, tightening my fingers in his hair. I needed more. I needed it all. Everything that he had to give me, I wanted it. But it went beyond just want. It was a need, a craving for him that pulsed through my blood with each pump of my heart. Consumed every thought.

I couldn't breathe without these men by my side and in my bed.

Andrei lifted his head and gazed up at me with those molten caramel eyes, and it was as if I were diving into those pools of his. "Have you been a good girl today,kroshka? Do you think you deserve to come?"

I nodded frantically as I searched for the words that I could use to convince him to allow my release.

"Hmm," he hummed and blew warm air over my soaked folds. "You were a good girl today, and those hands of yours gripping Daddy's cock were magical."

He circled my clit with his fingertips before dipping down and thrusting two digits inside me.

A groan caught in my throat as I choked on the raw pleasure of the sensations. I bucked and wiggled my hips, anything to get the much-needed friction on my aching clit.

Andrei grinned, delighting in my frantic gestures like the meanie that he was.

"Did you just call me a meanie?" His features hardened, and I squeaked as I realized I said that out loud.

Fuck a duck.

"Language, little girl."

"Why can't I just keep my thoughts to myself?" I slapped my palm to my face as I groaned.

Andrei's shoulder shook as if he were holding back laughter. I'm sure he was. I would laugh, too, if I were observing someone blurt out such random nonsense while naked and on the receiving end of being eaten out.

"Relax,kroshka." The two fingers still inside of me curled and pressed against a spot that made me see stars. "Back to me, focus on my voice, my hands, my tongue. Nothing else matters right now."

I arched my back and stroked my fingers through his hair like it was my anchor. My lifeline to the real world as he cast me out into space.

"That's it," he cooed, his voice deepening as his accent thickened. "You're so fucking beautiful with your tits in the air, and those little mewls of pleasure are the best fucking sound in the universe."

He dropped his head back down to my pussy and swirled his tongue in circles over my clit.

Pleasure built and coiled tight in my belly as the peak came closer and closer. Pleas and random gibberish fell from my lips as my mind went askew from sheer bliss pulsing through my body.

"Good girl." Andrei purred against my pussy. "Come for me,kroshka. Come all over my face and fingers."

His words were all I needed as my lips parted on a silent scream while the climax drew me under. My vision went black as wave after wave of intense pleasure swept me up.

Through it all, Andrei continued thrusting his fingers in and out of me in an opposite rhythm from his tongue swirling and devouring me. He murmured in Russian, and though I couldn't understand any of it, the words ratcheted up, and euphoria sang through my veins.

As I came down from what was one of the most intense climaxes of my life, Andrei withdrew his fingers, sucking every last drop of my essence from the digits before wiping his chin off and settling beside me. "Glorious. I could feast on you for days, surviving only on your cunt for sustenance."

My brow furrowed as I fell back into my body and processed his words. "That's just silly. You can't survive on pussy alone."

Andrei chuckled as he brought me against his body and kissed my forehead. "I could survive. You underestimate your pussy's value."

I snorted. "Silly."

"We'll agree to disagree on that." He winked and let out a contented sigh. "Get some sleep,kroshka. I know you're dying to get back to work, so we'll stop in for a few hours tomorrow."
