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As we were talking, a group of teenage girls had ambled over and were standing nearby, being quite loud and boisterous, and I’d noticed people standing watching the waltzer were turning to listen to their chat. To be fair, it was impossible not to, especially when one of them – a tall girl with long dark hair and glossy make-up – started talking in a loud voice about a girl in their class at school called Roz. She called her a ‘disgusting skank’ and she was making her friends laugh by imitating the girl in a silly high voice:Oh, Niall, I love you so much. I’ll do anything for you. I’ll give you a blow job if you’ll go out with me.’

‘But Rozisgoing out with Niall,’ pointed out one of the girls, who was eating candyfloss. ‘They’ve been going out for about three weeks now.’

‘Well, yes,’ she sneered, tossing back her long hair. ‘But only because he knows he’s onto a good thing with the blow jobs. It’s fairly obvious it’smehe fancies.’

‘Ooh, are you jealous of her, Mags?’

The girl called Mags, who clearly fancied herself the ringleader, laughed and hotly denied it. But her expression was thunderous, and I looked at Kurt, who was also tuning in now.

‘Me thinks she protests just a tad too much,’ I murmured.

Kurt nodded his agreement. ‘Mags has got the hots for Niall all right!’

We exchanged a smile. Oh, to be fifteen again, excited about seeing the boy you fancied at the fair!

Mags snorted. ‘Oh, God, don’t look now but thereisthe littleskank!’

Naturally, everyone turned to look.

The girl called Roz was standing by the hot dog stall. She wasn’t in the queue. She was just standing there on her own, and my heart went out to her when Mags started laughing and imitating her again, within her earshot, making daft orgasmic noises and panting, ‘Oh, Niall! Niall! I love you so much!’ Sheturned to her friends and scoffed, ‘I mean, it’s obvious he’s stood her up. I knew he’d finish with her. He needs someone exciting not boring as hell like her.’

‘You mean someone like you?’ grinned the friend with the candyfloss, who clearly wasn’t afraid of standing up to her.

Mags shrugged nonchalantly. ‘Maybe. If he’s lucky.’

The others started cheering and hooting at this, and I felt Roz’s pain, standing there all on her own, with no friends to back her up. It was hard when you weren’t part of the gang at school. I remembered it only too well...

‘Do you really think he fancies you, though?’ asked her mate casually, and to my horror, Mags reached over and pushed the candyfloss right in her face and started rubbing it in for good measure, much to the screaming delight of the other girls.

‘What do you thinkyou’relooking at?’

She’d turned to me with a belligerent look. But I didn’t bother replying. I just turned away, and she got back to tormenting Roz, who was still standing there alone, staring down at the grass.

At last, the waltzer slowed down and came to a stop, and everyone got off.

But as we all piled on and found a seat, I suddenly had a panicky thought.

What about my wig?

The ride was fast, and the guy in charge was taking great delight in spinning the individual cars, making the inhabitants scream for mercy. What if the worst happened, and the movement of the ride and the rush of the wind dislodged my wig? Why on earth didn’t I think of that before I agreed to go on it with Kurt? It was too late to change my mind now!

‘Look!’ Kurt pointed over to the hot dog stall. The girl called Roz was no longer alone. There was a boy – presumably Niall, who Mags had her sights on – and he had his hands around her waist, kissing her.

I grinned, momentarily distracted from worries about my hair, and stuck up my thumb. ‘Good for Roz!’ I felt ridiculously pleased, watching them together. They were clearly into each other. It didn’t look as if Roz was going to be ditched any time soon.

Gingerly, when Kurt was turned away for a moment, I felt the hairpiece to make sure it was secure. Then as the ride started, I leaned slightly against the side of the car with my hand resting casually on my neck – but really so that I could anchor my hair.

The teenage girls were in the car next to ours and every time theirs spun round, Mags seemed to be looking at me and laughing. I even imagined that she was pointing at me and telling her friends about my wig. But I knew that was ridiculous. It was just my overactive imagination again.

As the ride speeded up, I glanced at Kurt and he gave me anare-you-enjoying-yourselflook, and I did a funny grimace. He laughed, clearly having a whale of a time himself, then he grabbed me and held me tightly for the rest of the ride. And I forgot about my worries over the wig as I snuggled into him and gave myself up to the intoxicating experience of being flung around everywhere with no control whatsoever.

I was still laughing as we disembarked. ‘That was amazing. I haven’t been on a waltzer for years.’

‘It was good, wasn’t it?’ Smiling, he wrapped his arm around me and our frosty breath made smoky plumes in the night air. Then he kissed me. It was gentle but we lingered over it long enough for me to feel the sizzle of underlying passion, and my heart was racing.

Afterwards, still wrapped in a glow from our first kiss, I was barely aware of someone close by, talking loudly. Kurt’s arm was still around me, and I was using the excuse of being cold to snuggle even closer to him.

Then I heard, very distinctly, ‘No, I bet you a hundred quid it’s a wig. It’sdefinitelya wig.’
