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‘Me, too,’ said Katja, and in the end it was like a scene fromJawsas we all swiftly evacuated the water...

‘Room for a few more, lads?’ enquired Maddy opening the door and peering inside, and I almost gagged as the waft of last night’s booze hit my nostrils.

The rowdy chat stopped and all eyes stared in Maddy’s direction.


One of the guys laughed. ‘Well, I’m sure we can find room for a cutie like you! Budge up, Ryan, and let the girlie in.’ Lounging back cockily, legs spread wide, he patted the bench beside him. ‘Come on, honey, you can squeeze right in here.’

His mates snorted with laughter.

Calling his bluff, Maddy did what he’d suggested and snuggled in next to him, with a cheerful slap on his thigh for good measure. ‘Hey, thanks, big boy!’ she muttered throatily, and his confident smile faltered a little. She gave him a big come-on smile and a wink. ‘Pile in, girls. I’m sure these lovely gentlemen will make way for you all.’

So we moved in as one, forcing the cocky ringleader to lean forward and close his legs to make room.

‘Now, back to what we were talking about, girls. Period troubles.’ Maddy beamed around at us. ‘You’re so right, Jaz. It’s practically impossible to find a pad or a tampon that does the job properly, isn’t it?’

Jaz nodded gravely. ‘It is. My period came on totally without warning the other day and of course I was wearingentirelythe wrong colour jeans.’

Ellie groaned. ‘Not those white ones?’

‘Oh, yes. Not a pretty sight, I can tell you.’

Fen sighed. ‘What Ireallyhate is when you wake up and it all justgushes out...’

At this, the guys, looking sheepishly nervous, rose one by one and exited the sauna hastily.

And then it was our turn to collapse into fits of laughter...


After a delicious lunch in the spa café, we lay on special massage beds for a while before heading off for our mud wrap treatment.

‘It’s supposed to relax and detoxify you,’ explained Maddy. ‘And they wrap you in clingfilm which makes you shrink.’

‘Bring it on!’ said Fen, who was still struggling to fit into her pre-baby jeans.

Ellie laughed. ‘How much shrinkage are we talking about here? I can’t afford a whole new wardrobe.’

We were ushered in pairs into the treatment rooms. I went in with Jaz and our therapists were lovely, settling us onto the beds and talking us through the whole process. The mud felt chilled as it was smoothed on all over. We both got a temporary fit of the giggles when it came to being cling-film-wrapped, but the therapists smiled and took it all in their stride, clearly well used to this reaction.


Later, we were all walking through the reception area, on our way out to the cars, when the receptionist, Avril, caught up with Maddy. ‘There’s been a delivery of flowers... they’re behind the desk.’

‘Ooh, how lovely!’ Maddy’s eyes shone. ‘Of course, Jack and I first met at a spa, so he must have thought he’d surprise me and –’

‘Actually, they’re for someone else in your party?’ Avril murmured apologetically. ‘Aurora Sunshine?’

I turned, indicating that it was me, and she smiled. ‘What a lovely name! Yes, a bouquet has just arrived for you.’

‘Ooh, Rori, I wonder who they’re from?’ grinned Jaz, and I blushed. The mud treatment had relaxed me to the extent that I’d found myself telling the girls all about Kurt as we’d chilled on loungers by the pool afterwards.

‘Rori and Kurt sittin’ in a tree,’ chanted Maddy, apparently already over her disappointment that the flowers weren’t for her. ‘K.I.S.S.I.N.G’

Ellie laughed. ‘How old are you, Maddy?Five?’

Flushed with pleasure, I took the extravagant bouquet Avril was holding out to me and gazed at them. ‘Wow! They’re gorgeous.’ The delicate ivory roses and green foliage were the perfect foil for the beautiful hellebores in the centre, in delicate shades of purple and lavender.
