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‘Only you can make the decision about what you want your future to hold, Rosie.’

‘Yes. I know that now.’

When they arrived at Willowbrook Lodge, she still had no idea what she was going to do. She may be falling in love with Charlie, but she was still attracted to Angus who was much more her kind of guy. Wasn’t her director of fates tired of throwing grenades in her path? Why had she been sent two completely different men to tangle with – no, not different, diametric opposites.

Later that evening, her head throbbed with confusion, and she turned to her aunt’s trusty tome for inspiration – and maybe a hangover cure. She knew she’d find it.

Oat and Honey Cakes for Self-inflicted Headaches

Oats are a morning staple. A bowl of porridge doused in honey is one of my favourite breakfasts. But oats are packed with fibre, vitamins and nutrients that can help ease the pain of a night of over-indulgence. They are said to line the stomach and regulate blood sugar levels. Give these little crunchy cakes a try and you will be as right as rain.

Anyway, thought Rosie as she began to weigh out the ingredients, surely her vacillations over Angus versus Charlie were mute. They both lived in the UK, and she had to go back to launch her new life in the US.

Didn’t she?

Chapter Twenty Five

It was the end of September and Ollie’s last visit to Bernice’s garden. However, as she stood by his side to admire their handiwork, she had to agree that what they had undertaken together was nothing short of miraculous – although, if she were honest, now that it was free of its tangled chaos the garden had lost a little of its romantic aura.

‘How’s your own garden coming along, Ollie?’

‘It’s just how I want it, especially the vegetable plot,’ said Ollie, brandishing his secateurs like a French executioner as he deadheaded the roses. ‘You know I’m more adept at persuasion in plants than in humans.’

Rosie studied Ollie’s features as he snipped the final rose from its stem and started to gather together Bernice’s ancient gardening tools and implements before securing them in their allocated place in the shed for winter. Whilst he couldn’t be said to be movie-star handsome, he had integrity and honesty, and a passion and work ethic few young people possessed these days. He locked the summerhouse with its rusty key and smoothed back his silver hair from his forehead. Then, after hugging Rosie awkwardly, he secured his trouser cuff with a clip and cocked his leg over his bicycle.

‘Bye, Rosie. I’ll miss our chats, you know. From what I’ve heard, I’m not the only one who’d love it if you could stay herein the Cotswolds and live in your aunt’s cottage,’ his pewter eyes twinkled. ‘I’ll be available next year. Let me know?’

Rosie smiled as a surprise gulp caught in her throat.

‘Thanks for everything, Ollie. You’ve been brilliant. Indispensable.’

As Ollie’s arched back disappeared around the corner, the insistent shrill of the landline sprang from the hallway of the cottage and she shot off to answer it.


‘Hi, Rosie, it’s Charlie.’

‘Oh, hello, Charlie.’

‘I just wanted to say goodbye. I’m not required at the Manor now, so I’m debunking back up to London. So, if you fancy a trip to the bright lights of the big city, you’re more than welcome to stay over in Pimlico. London can give New York a run for its money, you know.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Thanks Charlie, but I don’t think so. I’m going home soon.’

‘Oh, well, can’t blame a guy for asking. What I was ringing for was to let you know that my publisher in London adores your aunt’s book and her illustrations. He’s certain there’s a ready market for it. What with all the baking programmes on the TV, there’s a real revival of home-cooking sweeping the nation right now. He wants to discuss terms. What do you think?’

She sighed. ‘Okay, Charlie. I’ll speak to him but that’s all. I don’t want any pressurised sales pitch and I’m only agreeing to this because of Hannah. If it was only down to me, then…’

‘Yes, here comes the old doormat behaviour.’

‘I am not a “doormat” as you persist in labelling me. Hannah is happily married to a great guy and has no need of myadvice or even money from my aunt’s estate, as it happens,’ Rosie retorted, although she wasn’t sure either statement was entirely true. “Happily” married might be stretching it and if that wasn’t the case, Hannah would most certainly be in need of any independent income available.

‘Oh, climb down, Rosie. It’s lonely up there on the high plateau of righteousness. What’s happening with the sale of Willowbrook Lodge? When is the sale scheduled for?’

‘Contracts are ready. Brian Dixon wants to complete on the last day of October for some tax or accounting reason. I don’t object. It’ll work out okay for me to return to Manhattan then.’

‘I’ll miss you, Rosie. Is there anything I can do or say to persuade you to stay in the UK? Another sporting challenge, perhaps? Mike and James have both been asking after you. You made a lasting impression on them both.’

‘Can they distinguish me between the myriad of girls you take to their establishments?’
