Page 67 of Hard and Fast

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“SHE TALKED to Laura?” Tony asked. He sat across from Brad in the café.

Brad regarded Tony, thinking about how furious he’d been when he’d seen Amanda entering his room. “Yeah. She talked to her. I have no idea of the outcome, though.”

“Where is she?” Tony asked, his tone impatient.

“She’ll be here.”

Tony drummed his fingers on the table and waved away a waitress. “What’s up with you two?”

“Nothing. And that’s the story I expect you to stick to.”

“Just asking, man. Trust me, I won’t be running my mouth. Amanda’s the last person I want to piss off right now.” He narrowed his eyes on Brad. “But I have to say. I’ve never seen you act so nuts over a woman.”

Brad could well imagine his behavior had taken Tony off guard. Hell, his lack of control took him off guard, too. His gaze went to the doorway, feeling the familiar punch of excitement in his gut at the sight of her. “She’s here.”

He watched her approach, noting the apprehension in her face. He wished he wasn’t partly responsible for it.

Amanda sat between him and Tony. One of her perfect ivory cheeks had been rubbed red from his stubble. Sensual images of being buried deep inside her, the warm, wet heat of her body surrounding him, played in his mind. Primitive, possessive feelings rushed over him.

He’d fallen in love with Amanda.

What else could explain the way his heart beat faster every time she was near? Or the way he felt calmer, happier, more complete, when he was with her.

Man, did his timing suck.

“Unfortunately, Jack got to Laura before I did. Frankly, I think he set you up. I heard him at the airport, talking to Laura, promising he’d prove you were a jerk. Laura said Jack called her this morning to tell her about the picture, otherwise she wouldn’t have known.”

“That sorry bastard.” Tony ground out the words between his teeth. “He’s the one who invited us to the club where that picture was taken. I didn’t think anything about it. He’s always inviting us places. But come to think about it, that night he hung by my side a lot. Every time I turned around, he was there.”

“The details of how we got here aren’t that important right now,” Brad commented. “The damage is done. How bad is the damage?”

Amanda exhaled. “First, let me say this, Tony. I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m only repeating what I’ve been told.”

“Just tell me.”

“Laura says you’re taking steroids and she gave Jack the details. She says she witnessed you inject yourself.”

Tony stared at Amanda, his expression blank. He didn’t say a word.

That was a bad sign, Brad thought. “It’s just her word against his, right?” he asked. “Or is there more?”

“It’s enough to raise concerns and taint Tony’s image,” Amanda noted. “Jack isn’t a fool. He’ll make sure he doesn’t say with certainty that Tony is juicing. He’ll buzz the possibility.”

“Which will ruin me,” Tony said quietly. “Guilty or innocent, people won’t look at me the same.”

“Are you guilty?” Brad asked.

Tony looked at Amanda and Brad knew he was nervous about talking in front of her. “You can trust her,” Brad said. “It’s off the record. Right Amanda?”


Tony appeared skeptical. Brad figured the best way to convince Tony was to confess his own secret. “I’m injured and I’ve been hiding it. Amanda’s known all along. Obviously, she hasn’t turned me into a headline.

“I need surgery. Good news is I can work through the playoffs. But between the injury and all the bad press this past year, my contract renewal is up in the air. I’m praying my performance is good enough to convince management to re-sign me. Either way, I’m tired of hiding.”

Brad focused on Amanda with those final words, hoping she’d read the double meaning. There had to be a way they could be together without compromising their careers.

Of course, if she was his wife, no one could protest. His wife. What a crazy thought. But he actually contemplated the idea. He may have known her only a short time, but he couldn’t imagine another day without her.

Tony cleared his throat, drawing the attention back to him. “I’m clean.”

Amanda gave him a probing stare, as if she didn’t quite believe him. “Why is Laura so sure you aren’t?”

“Off the record.” He waited for her nod before continuing. “I’m clean now. There was a time when I couldn’t say that.”

Brad cursed. “Damn it, Tony. You know what I think of that shit.”

“Well, Brad, not everyone is as confident as you. Not everyone can be a star without a little help.”

“Man, in case you forgot, I’ve been dodging my walking papers for a year. You just heard me admit I’ve been hiding an injury. Confidence damn sure wasn’t my motivation. The pressure gets to all of us.”

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