Page 35 of Sunshine For Sale

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“I didn’t say it was great,” I say with a smirk, and Jimbob just chuckles next to me.

“I think you thought it was,” he replies softly, and I feel my entire body tremble at those words.

I peer over at him, those blue eyes on my lips and my tongue sneaks out to wet them. His pupils dilate and he lets out a shaky breath. He’s too much of a gentleman to kiss me right here in the middle of the store, but I can tell that it’s on his mind.

And it’s on mine too.

What the hell is going on with me? I don’t understand why I’m so infatuated with this guy but I can’t stop myself. I’m not even sure I want to stop myself at this point. I just want to have something good for once in my life. I just want to let it happen.

“Wouldn’t mind doing it again,” he adds in a low voice, and now my mind is conjuring up the feel of his big body rubbing against mine. All those hard muscles holding me to him, his bigdick rubbing against my own. The way it felt to come against him, letting him hold me tenderly afterward.

And then he’d fed me a home-cooked meal.

I’ve never been cared for like that before. I can’t really recall one time in all my life when someone looked after me because they wanted to. I’ve been taking care of my mom for so long that I can’t really remember what it was like before things all went to hell.

“Anyways,” he says, standing up and clearing his throat. “What are you doing this evening?”

I nearly drop the cat food I’m stacking and look at him. Is he asking me this because he wants to see me again? “I, uh…I have plans. My mom. She needs me.”

God, I sound so lame, but it’s the truth.

“Yeah, that’s fine. But, well, we’re doing a hayride for the school kids tonight. It won’t take too long. Like an hour. You should come.”

“A hayride?” I look at him, confused. What the fuck is a hayride? Probably something really weird and Kansan.

“Yeah. It’s real fun. I drive a tractor attached to a trailer and it has a bunch of hay stacked up on it. We just chug around the field for a bit and the kids love it.”

“You just drive around an empty field?” I ask, wondering how the hell that’s fun.


He sounds excited about it, like it’s not odd at all, like this is actually something legitimate to do in your free time. People are going to bring their kids to this? Is this something that people plan into their schedule?

“It’s a lot of fun. We even have hot cocoa and sing songs. You’ll love it.”

I stare at him again, trying like hell not to give away any emotion because I don’t know how I feel about this. Ahayride with Jimbob driving a tractor? People singing songs and drinking hot chocolate?

“You know me so well,” I say dryly, and he laughs softly.

Those big blue eyes dart to my lips and then meet my gaze once more. His flushed cheeks are so sexy and, shit, I cannot get a hard dick at work.

But those lips of his. Those innocent-looking eyes that aren’t deceitful in any way. It all really seems to do it for me. I seem to like Jimbob.

“Yeah, okay. You’ve convinced me. I’ll be there,” I say, shocked that apparently I just agree to things now. But it seems I’ve lost all reason when it comes to this man. “What time does it start?”

“Five. Kids can’t be out too late on a school night.”

“Okay. Um, yeah, I guess I’ll see you there.”

“Awesome, and wear something warm, or I could…” He shifts on his feet. “…I could bring you one of my jackets, if you want.”

The thought of being wrapped up in him, of smelling him against me all night makes me hot all over.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Bring me something.”

He looks relieved and like he wants to kiss me. Fuck, I really want him to. Right here in the middle of the feed store. But he doesn’t. He just sticks his hands in his pockets and then gives me a quick nod before going to his mom’s coffee stand. She’s watching us with a soft smile on her face and it makes me even more fucking embarrassed. Whatever this is between Jimbob and me, it’s not what she thinks it is.

It’s just…a mild distraction.
