Page 13 of Avy

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The air around us grew thick with hunger and anticipation. We’d not spent a night apart since we’d made our relationship official. It wasn’t long before his mouth was on mine, his fingers spearing through my hair, pins flying as he hungrily attacked my mouth.

“Fuck, Sweets, I hated being away from you last night,” he growled as his lips latched on to my neck.

I hummed in agreement as I pulled his shirt from his trousers so I could get my hands on his skin. His tie was long gone, impatient I ripped at his buttons, ignoring them as they pinged around the room, sighing in happiness now that I had his chest bared, pressing hungry kisses to it as I attacked the button onhis trousers, feeling his cock hard and ready for me. Pulling the zipper down I wrapped my hand around his long hard length, and he gave a guttural groan as I slowly pumped him, his hands tunnelling under my skirt pulling my dress up to my waist, he stopped as his hands hit my thigh highs, muttering, “I’ll enjoy these later.”

Then his fingers were on my clit, pressing and circling, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was coming. My orgasm hit me out of the blue, no warning. Suddenly, I was up against the wall, my panties in tatters on the floor and Hawk was in me. Thrusting hard into me, my back sliding up against the wall of the bedroom with every thrust as I tightened my legs around his waist pulling him deeper and deeper with every plunge until I threw my head back and shouted his name as another orgasm hit me and I came hard at the same time as I felt his warmth coat my walls.

Panting, I slowly came down, Hawk’s face buried in my neck, my arms and legs wrapped around him, “Fuck, Sweets, I think I saw stars,” he growled into my neck making me laugh, which then made us both moan as I pushed him out of me.

Slowly, I released my legs but kept my arms around his neck as my feet found the floor, the skirt of my dress falling back down, I whimpered at the loss of having him inside me, my whimper turned to a moan as his lips found mine.

“Love you, Avy,” he whispered against my lips. “Love you too, Hawk,” I replied with a smile.

“Let’s get you out of this dress, I want to see you in those tights,” Hawk rumbled as he turned me around to get to the buttons on the back.

Once I was out of my wedding dress, which was left forgotten on the floor of our room as my husband proceeded to show me just how much he approved and appreciated my new lingerie.

I’d have to remember to thank Julia for her present, I thought sleepily as I drifted off to sleep, feeling sated and loved.



Being woken up by the smell of cooking bacon was never a bad thing. Although I was surprised that Avy was up already. I’d kept her busy until the early hours of this morning. We hadn’t been able to get enough of each other. I was a lucky fucker that had a wife that was happy for me and let me love her like I needed to.

We’d always had a connection, but now that she had my name it was like I couldn’t restrain myself. I already wore her name on my skin and had done since the day I’d slipped her engagement ring on her finger in October. I couldn’t wait to mar my wife’s virgin skin. For all that she was an MC princess, she did not have a single bit of ink on her. When I’d asked her why, she said she could never settle on anything but that she always knew that when she found the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, she’d have his name inked on her.

When I’d heard that I started to design the perfect tattoo for her. I knew exactly where I’d like to put it on her but would understand if she wanted to have it somewhere else. I’d brought the design with me to show Avy, and I’d kept Monday afternoon free just for her so I could get my name on her body as soon as possible. Call me a caveman, I didn’t give a fuck, I wanted to own every piece of her that I could. I’d never once felt like this inany of my previous relationships, which was one of the reasons I knew this was it for me.

From the day I’d met her, I’d wanted to have my name on her. That need had been slightly appeased when I’d seen my patch on her cut. I’d wanted my name to be blazoned across Avy’s back, warning everyone that she was mine because my woman was hot as fuck but seemed oblivious to it. She had the bearing of a highborn lady, but you could tell that she would get business done if it was needed as she’d shown with Molly’s situation. I loved her sense of loyalty. She was so fucking loyal to everyone, her girls, her family, the club, and now to me. If there was one thing, I would never have to worry about, it was Avy’s loyalty and I hoped that she knew she’d never have that worry about me.

Getting up, I hit the bathroom and did what I needed to do before venturing naked out into the main part of the cabin, where I found Avy at the stove dressed in one of my T-shirts. She was reaching up to get something out of the cupboard when I walked in, noting that she was naked from the waist down. Instantly, I was hard; walking over to her, I pressed up against her back. Lifting her heavy hair, I kissed the nape of her neck, causing goosebumps to rise on her arms and for her to squirm and laugh softly as I pressed another kiss to her neck. Grinding my cock into her backside, I smiled as Avy pushed back against me. “Morning, Sweets,” I whispered in her ear before nipping at it. Avy let out a whimper, leaning her head back against my chest, giving me further access to her. “Morning, handsome,” she responded.

Pressing another kiss to her neck, my hands wandered around to the front of her body and over her breasts, tweaking her hard nipples, causing another shudder to make its way through her. Lowering my hand, I found her pussy and smiled as my fingers trailed through her wetness. Yeah, my woman was ready for me.Avy sighed softly as I ran a finger around her clit, letting out a breathy moan.

Not wanting to wait any longer, I reached over and switched the stove off. Turning my wife in my arms, I hungrily devoured her lips. Picking her up, I set her down on the kitchen’s island.

“I was making you breakfast,” Avy smirked seductively at me.

I winked at her, “Oh, Sweets, don’t worry. You’re still feeding me breakfast. You’ll be my first breakfast and the bacon can be my second breakfast,” I informed her. “Now, be a good girl and open those legs for me.”

Avy’s eyes heated at my words as she did as I asked and opened her legs for me. I hummed in appreciation as I took in her dripping pussy, pink, swollen and ready for me.

Taking her legs, I gently lifted them and set her feet on the counter, opening her up further for me. Leaning down, I breathed her in, licking at the moisture coating her thighs as an appreciative rumble came from deep within me as I breathed in her scent, “Fuck, Sweets, you smell so good.” Avy gasped at my words and then hissed as I pinched her clit with my fingers, hips shifting restlessly. “Stop teasing, Hawk,” she whispered, sounding a little desperate.

At her words I gave her a long lick before flicking my tongue hard against her clit, and her hips jolted in response. Gently, I inserted a finger into her hot channel and felt the first flutters, feeling how close she was, making me wonder what she’d been thinking about while she’d been cooking. I added another finger and found the slightly rough spot inside her, rubbing up against her walls as I sucked her clit deep in my mouth before letting it go and again fluttering my tongue against her.

Avy came hard and fast with little warning and with a loud wail. I waited while she panted slightly and came down fromher orgasm. She caught her breath, and I pushed for one more. “Hawk,” Avy whimpered, “I need you inside me.”

“You’ll get me, baby, but you need to give me one more.” Avy’s eyes were heavy with lust. “I’m not sure I can do another one,” she replied huskily.

“Just one more, Sweets, I know you can do it,” I reassured her as I kept pumping my fingers slowly in and out of her. I pressed my mouth to hers and ravished her mouth with mine, our tongues twining around each other, and before long, her pussy was spasming around my fingers. I lifted her off the island before she finished; she let out a keening cry of dismay. Hurriedly, I turned her and pressed her upper body down onto the island. Lifting her hips slightly, I pressed my hard weeping cock into her softness with a grunt. Holding myself still until Avy ground herself against me and ordered huskily, “Hard, Hawk, as hard as you can.”

Never let it be said that I don’t listen when my lady speaks. I thrust in hard and fast just like she asked. I slipped one hand under her and strummed her clit until we both came.

Sagging against her back, I lifted her shirt and pressed a kiss to the top of her spine.

“Love you, Hawk,” she mumbled her eyes shut, face relaxed. I grinned a self-satisfied smile at her relaxed state. Gently disengaging from her, picked up my very relaxed wife and took her to the bathroom to clean her up then tucked her back into bed before pulling on some underwear and going to the kitchen to finish up breakfast. We ended up eating it in bed before I dirtied her up again. We’d had a fantastic sex life before, but since I’d seen her sign her new name something had snapped in me, and she seemed hotter than ever. I wondered how long itwould be before she’d let me put a baby in her belly. Until then, I’d enjoy practicing.
