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“What do you mean?”I ask.

“Come on, you’ve had a thing for him since you were a teenager,” he says, turning to Maverick.“And you.Deep down, I always knew you had a crush on my sister.”

“So you’re okay with this?”

“Hey, I’m the one who sent you up here to do these deliveries.Lily was sick, yes, but I could’ve found a sitter and done the work myself.I was hoping you two might hit it off.But imagine how guilty I felt knowing I was the one who sent you up the mountain right before a storm.After I saw how bad the weather had gotten and I couldn’t get hold of you, I thought I’d sent you to die.”

I smile.“Well, I’m alive and kicking.”

“And I’m glad.Anyway, I should go.One of the SAR guys gave me a ride here, and he’s waiting outside.Oh, and Maverick?If you ever hurt my sister, I’m coming after you.”

Maverick nods.“That’s understandable, but I promise I’ll never hurt her.I love her.”

Benson closes the door behind him, leaving Maverick and me to ourselves.

“What do you want to do now?”I ask him.

He gathers me in his arms.“Oh, I have a thing or two in mind,” he says and kisses me.

I lead him into the bedroom.“Show me.”



Six months later

Meat sizzles on the barbecue, and chirping birds fill the air.I sigh contentedly as I gaze around the cozy backyard of Quinn and Bear’s cabin, where we’re all gathered for a chill evening.I’m the luckiest guy in the world.I’m engaged to the woman of my dreams, started working for the local Search and Rescue Team four months ago, and have the best friends.

“Here you go,” I tell Sloane as I hand her an alcohol-free beer.

“Thanks, honey.”

“Are you okay?”I ask as I watch her trying to sit comfortably.

She smiles.“Yes, but the baby keeps kicking me in the ribs.I’m telling you, this one is going to be a football player.”

“Let’s hope there won’t be a storm on the night you go into labor,” Bear says with a happy glint in his eye.“But if you do, I’ll come running like you did for us.”

“It’s a relief to know you’re not alone out here on the mountain,” Benson says.“Everyone keeping an eye out for one another is how it should be everywhere.And Lily can’t wait to meet her nephew,” Benson says.“She thinks she’ll be able to babysit once he’s born.I tried telling her it’s a no-go, but you know what she’s like.”

I laugh.“I do.”

Benson’s been nothing but supportive since we got together, and we look after Lily whenever he has to work at the bar.

Sloane still runs the bar, even though she’s pregnant.I would never ask her to stop doing what she’s passionate about.As long as she’s happy, I am too.

“Here’s to us, the mountain of Bearclaw Ridge, and finding love,” I say, raising my beer bottle.

“To us,” the others say.“And to love.”

