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It’s not.What’s on fire is me.

For Little Sloane.

Chapter Three


Even though Maverick and I weren’t super close back in the day, we sure get along great now.I'd thank my guardian angel if I believed in such a thing.Not just for making sure that tree crushed my car instead of me but also for arranging for me to get stuck in a cabin with the guy I had a crush on.

Who am I kidding?Haddoesn’t cut it.I’m full-on crushing on him.How could I not?Look at the guy.He’s morphed into a hulky, bearded guy who’s even more charming than he was when I last saw him.And by how effortlessly he moves around this cabin, the piles of wood outside, and the rustic interior, I’d say he’s also grown into a hot mountain man.

Fear grips my heart.I’ve never been in love with anyone, but I know that once a man steals my heart, it will be his.Forever.What if I put my heart on the line, and Maverick doesn’t want it?

He closes the fridge and puts a packet of ground beef on the counter.

“Maybe I should be in charge of the meat this time.Unless you have a craving for charcoal,” he jokes.

“Haha, very funny.I run a bar now.I’ve got some cooking skills,” I tell him, rolling up the sleeves of my hoodie.

“It’s impressive how you and Benson made that bar into a local hotspot,” Maverick says while grabbing a chopping board.

“Thanks.It was a no-brainer.I love being around people, I’m tough enough to deal with rowdy customers, and I have a soft spot for unique whiskeys.Plus, Benson and I get along great, so I don’t have any annoying colleagues.At least most of the time.My brother can be a pain in the ass sometimes.”

Maverick chuckles, the lines around his eyes deepening with amusement.“I know exactly what you mean.It’s the same with my sister.She often accuses me of pulling her leg, but I can’t help it.It’s fun.”

“You think it’s fun to prank your sweet sister?Why am I not surprised?”I roll my eyes.

“What can I say?I love pranks.”

I fill a pot with water and put it on the stove to let it boil.I can hardly grasp how easy it feels to be here with Maverick.It’s like we’ve been best friends for ages, even though I don’t know him that well.

I take extra special care not to burn anything.I’m doing great until I chop some carrots and cut myself.

“Shit,” I cry out, pulling my finger back.

Maverick drops the knife he was holding and rushes over to me.“Let me see.”

I extend my hand to him, and he takes it into his with gentle care.He’s so close that I could touch him if I wanted to.So close that I can inhale his godly scent without trying.Hell, I could even kiss him if I had the guts—and if I got on tiptoes.

“It doesn’t look like it’s a deep cut.I don’t think you’ll need stitches,” he says.

“That’s good.”

He grabs a paper towel and presses it to the wound.“Keep it there until I get back with the first aid kit.”

“I love it when you act all bossy,” I tell him with a mischievous smile.

He arches an eyebrow and lets his hand trail against the side of my body.Goosebumps immediately appear on every single piece of my skin.I take in a sharp breath of air.Is this happening, or am I suffering from brain damage after that tree slammed into my car?

“You like that, huh?I can be way bossier than this,” he says in a deep voice.

My mouth forms an O, but no sound comes out.I’m left trembling while Maverick disappears from the kitchen.I don’t know if he was pulling my leg or being serious, but I do know one thing…

I’m in trouble.Big, bearded trouble.With every passing second, I’m falling harder for Maverick.

A few minutes later, he barges back into the kitchen.“Sit,” he demands.

I slide into one of the kitchen chairs, and he pulls one over for himself.He unwraps the now blood-stained paper towel and turns my finger to get a good look.He dabs antiseptic solution on the cut, then rubs in some ointment.God, it feels good to have his fingers glide over my skin, even if it’s only on a small spot.
