Page 6 of Since Always

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I’m lying on my back touching my lips and replaying our kiss when the door opens. Ford stares at me as I prop myself up on my elbows. His gaze travels from my face, down my body to my toes, and back up again, leaving a wake of goosebumps. His gaze was almost like a physical touch.

I watch his Adam’s apple bounce as he swallows before speaking. “Let’s talk in the lounge.”

He waits for me in the doorway before grabbing my hand and leading me back to the front of the house. Ford takes a seat in the brown wingback chair before pulling me down into his lap. Both Dax and Holden frown at us from where they are seated.

I can feel Ford’s erection against my bottom and wiggle to get comfortable. His arm bands around my middle before he growls in my ear. “Sit still, Babe. We need to talk.”

I freeze and look at Holden and then Dax. “What’s going on?” I feel apprehension skitter across my skin.

“Ford,” Dax growls.

“Nope,” he says as his arm around my middle tightens. “I’ve been patient. I’ve played by your rules for years. I’m not letting her go again.”

“What – ”I try again, but Holden interrupts me.

“This isn’t what we discussed,” he says. “We said we were going to take it slow.” His frown deepens and I can’t remember a time I’ve ever seen Holden really frown.

Dax opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off with my hand in the air. “Stop. You need to explain what the heck is going on. Or I am leaving.”

I hear and feel Ford’s sharp inhale of breath at my words. All of them remain silent which only serves to make me mad. Pulling Ford’s arm away I struggle to stand from his lap before turning to make my way to the backyard. My purse and keys are on the table and I need them to leave. But I don’t make it far before Dax lifts me into the air.

“Put me down Dax Harris,” I shout as I try to squirm out of his hold.

“No,” he says in my ear. “This may not be how we planned it but you’re not leaving until we’ve talked.”

He puts me down in Ford’s lap again before taking a seat on the coffee table in front of us. Ford bands both his arms around my middle again and pulls me tightly against his chest while I wait for someone to speak.

* * *


“I’m in love with you,” I blurt out watching Blair. Her eyes are the size of saucers by the time all the words are out of my mouth. “And so are Holden and Ford. We are all in love with you.”

For long moments she doesn’t say anything before she frowns. “Why would you lie like that? That’s a cruel thing to do, Dax.”

I see the tears pool in her eyes as she squirms to get out of Ford’s grasp.

“What?” I ask. “Why would you say that?”

But she isn’t hearing a word I’m saying as the tears stream down her face. After a moment she stops struggling before a sob escapes her. Ford releases her only for Holden to take her and cradle her against his chest while she cries.

“This is why I said we needed to go slow.” He frowns at Ford and me. “It’s too much, we’re overwhelming her.”

“What did you want me to do, Holden?” I question running my hand through my hair. “She was going to leave. Ford will lose his mind if we just let her walk out of here without telling her the truth.”

“I get that,” Holden says as his gaze bounces to Ford who looks stricken as he watches Blair cry into Holden’s chest. “But we needed more time. Blair hasn’t seen us in seven years and even before that we all avoided her. Why would she simply believe our words now?”

All of us fall silent. “I was hoping the truth would be enough,” I reply brokenly. It hurts my heart knowing that I’m the reason tears are falling from her eyes. I wish I could be the one to comfort her.

“Holden,” Blair says softly against his chest before pulling back to look at him.

“Yes, Little Dove,” he replies as he wipes a tear from her cheek.

“Is it true?”

“So very true.”
