Page 42 of The Beast

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Irene leans into my side and I place a kiss on her forehead. I don’t know where the situation with Gerald will end up and I’m sure this won’t be the last bit of hardship we face as a couple or a club. But I do know that as long as we have each other we can face whatever life throws at us.


How Did We Get Here


A Week Later

We all sit together at the massive counter in the kitchen, laughter and food being shared. It still hurts a little when I laugh but it’s also helping me heal. I thought I would have to give this up, that I would not only lose this family I have built with the Gypsy Bastards, but Beast as well. Now I’m sitting here, enjoying a cup of rich coffee, and wearing a patch that proclaims me to be one of them. I couldn’t stop smiling if someone paid me.

“Has anyone seen Justice?” Pope asks when he re-enters the kitchen. “I went to grab him for breakfast, but he isn’t in his room.”

That’s strange. Usually, Justice is a late sleeper and it’s barely after eight. A little shiverer of apprehension skitters up my spine.

“Last I saw him he was tinkering on that bike of his in the garage. But that was late last night,” Beasts says while everyone else shakes their heads.

“Why?” I ask already worried.

“He cut out of here late last night and I haven’t been able to get ahold of him since,” Pope replies.

Just then, my cell phone rings, and I pull it from the pocket of my jeans. Preacher’s name flashes on the screen and I feel like a bitch for not calling in sick.

Pressing the unit to my ear, I start apologizing immediately. “I’m so sorry. I should have called you.”

“Stop. Beast called,” Preacher says. “Club’s closed until I get back.”

A breath of relief leaves me. It’s not ideal for Dusk to be closed but at least this way, we can control the situation. Leaving the staff on their own is a recipe for disaster.

“Is he there?” Preacher asks, clearly talking about Beast.

“Yeah,” I say hesitantly. “Why?” I know they’ve never really gotten along so this is weird, to say the least.

“Who else is there?”

“Pope, Sparrow, and almost everyone else. What’s going on, Preacher? You’re freaking me out.”

“Put me on speaker.”

He doesn’t answer my question, but he didn’t tell me I need to leave for him to have this conversation with the guys, so I do as he says.

“Preacher,” Pope says with a frown. “How can we help you today?”

“You know I used to be a lawyer in a previous life?”

Preacher’s voice fills the room. I’m surprised to hear this because even though we’ve become close friends he rarely if ever talks about his past.

“Yes,” Pope replies.

“I just got a call from the county lockup.”

“All right.” Pope frowns at my phone.

“Justice is down there. He got picked up for second degree murder.”

The End
