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“Gonna talk to them, get them to stick their necks out downtown,” I say. “Brothers are loyal to the club, wanna be part of NOLA again means they gotta show they’re committed. Anythin’ we ask of them, they’ll do.”

“What about sniffin’ around the fightin’ rings and underground bettin’?” Priest gives me a chin lift. “Sendin’ prospects in would be suicide. Since they’ve got a hand in security and both are built like brick shit houses, could pass off as bein’ bouncers. Nobody would suspect shit as they haven’t been seen with the Rebels in NOLA for years. They just got back to town and need work. Doubt that grumpy asshole of a brother, Hustle, will be lettin’ them back in the fold until they’ve paid their dues.”

“Could work.” Cash shrugs.

“If they had a crew,” I agree. “Which I know they could rummage together. Gotta understand somethin’, Prez. These two assholes are hardcore. I’m talkin’ me and Harlem hardcore on steroids.”

“Hey, what are we, chopped liver?” Nevada whines.

I flip in the bird. “You know what I mean. They’re reckless. Don’t get me wrong, they’re good, but they don’t give a shit about goin’ to jail. We don’t want blood on our hands if this goes sour.”

They’re still our brothers, and as Sergeant at Arms, I’m still responsible for their safety, no matter how big or fuckin’ tough they may seem.

“They’re big boys.” Bronco shrugs. “Pretty sure they can handle it.”

“Who votes for sendin’ Brew and Haze in with a crew?” Cash bellows.

Agreements ring around the table. He bangs the gavel down.

“You and H talk to them,” Cash says, pointing at us. “Later today, Rock will have an update. If we can find anythin’ with the bank account or the stolen plates dumped at the parking lot, then we can investigate further. Least for now, we have several brothers workin’ on separate shit until we get a break.”

“Gonna happen,” Priest says. “Gotta stop these assholes before someone else gets hurt.”

Out of all of us, Priest is the one who worries the most.

The dude may have been from bum-fuck-outta-nowhere, but he’s the spiritual advisor at the club for a reason.

“Agree with that,” Jett says. “Fact is the Devils are doin’ too much on the downlow. Last thing we want is a fuckin’ uprisin’ that starts another turf war. This one would potentially be bigger than the last, especially if they’re already plannin’ an attack on the Irish.”

“Nothin’ worse than a brother with a death wish,” I grit. “Makes him all the more dangerous.”

We’ve all been tired of this shit ever since we found out that Forger was resurrecting the Devils. That asshole Razor had taken him under his wing, and he stayed hidden since he got out of jail. Which means, Razor had all of this in place before he died. This was always going to happen and on a much bigger scale than we initially realized.

The thought doesn’t sit easy with me. These things never do when the Prez of a rival club is unhinged. And a man that could stoop so low as to kidnap his own kid and almost kill her is certainly more than a little fuckin’ crazy.

“And much easier to find,” Hawk says. “Surely, they can’t be fuckin’ masterminds at hidin’. Someone’s gotta talk at some point. They won’t stay down forever.”

“Exactly why we send in the brothers,” I say. “Because someone will talk. Just need the right kind of persuasion.”

“Got that right,” Harlem agrees. “The kind of persuasion I’ve been holdin’ out on when I get my hands on Forger. Not gonna remind everyone that he’s mine. When he gets caught, notif.Fuckin’when.”

Cash nods. We all know what this means to Harlem. He has to defend his ol’ lady and her kid. I’d be doing the exact same thing and I’m happy to assist in his death.

“Nobody around this table will take what’s yours,” I say, knowing it’s true. “But Forger is slippery. Look at how well he’s managed to hide so far. We can’t underestimate him.”

“Agreed,” says Cash. “We all know that he’s gonna come back with a vengeance. And here I was thinkin’ we had loyal subjects in the underworld. Clearly, we need to shake the tree a little harder.”

Chuckles go around the group.

My phone buzzes again. This time, I turn it over like I’m playing a hand of poker and I don’t want anyone else to see my cards.

I could wear my apron…

A picture flashes up of her wearing said apron with her tits hanging out. She’s biting into a cookie with half her face cut off. I quickly drop the phone down and clear my throat.

Last thing I need is a hard dick when I’m sitting here with all my brothers. I’ll deal with her later.

This woman is wild.
