Page 145 of Tag

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I’m doing okay. I don’t need Brian and I don’t need my father. They’re both as toxic as each other.

“Last chance,” he grits out. “There won’t be any more chances. Mark my words when I say I will bring you down. I’llmake your father see what an entitled little bitch you are and see to it that you’ll never see a penny from him, even after he dies. You’ll be in the headlines of the Times in disgrace. The shit I can make up about you would make your head spin.”

I stare at him in utter revulsion. “You’re sick,” I whisper. “You’re truly, truly sick.”

He opens his mouth to speak, but I gasp in shock as Tag approaches and yanks him out the chair, fury on his face as he punches him once, twice, three times, until Brian is falling on the floor and there’s blood everywhere.

I hold my hands over my mouth as I stare at Tag in shock, heart beating out of my chest.

The people around us gasp and start to jump out of the chairs to help the man.

When he glares at them, they back away.

He turns to look down at me. “You okay, Lu?”

I nod. “You didn’t have to –”

“Yeah, I did.” He thumbs behind him as Harlem and Hawk peel Brian off the ground and start to drag him away. “He’s done more than you think, Lu.”


He holds out his hand over the table. “Come’ere.”

I go willingly as he pulls me along and we leave, Brian’s lifeless body being dragged by the two large men in front of us.

Everyone stares as we pass by.

“Where are you taking him?” I whisper.

“The warehouse.”

Oh, shit.

“What did he do?”

“Aside from harassing you and calling you names?”


“He funded the downfall of our club.”

I gape at him. “W –what?”

“Rock traced the money back to one of Brian’s accounts at an old firm he worked for in Pittsburgh. He wasn’t just embezzling money, Lu, he was funding crime and reaping the benefits. When we took the Devils down, he was behind it all. Since workin’ for your father, he’s also used company money to fund bogus charities to act as a front to dump money for drugs and guns instead of investing them.”

I shake my head. “And my father knew nothing about this?”

Tag looks down at me as we exit the restaurant. “Not that we know of, but it wouldn’t surprise me. His turn is comin’, princess. I told you it would.”

I watch as Harlem and Hawk haul Brian’s unconscious ass into a van and they slide it shut.

Nevada’s at the helm, with Bronco next to him, and they take off.

“Gonna drop you at the clubhouse. Lunch has been canceled for obvious reasons.”

He bundles me in the passenger seat of his truck, and then jogs around to his side, and we take off before the police even arrive.

“I don’t get any of this,” I say, my voice tight. It’s all too much to take in. “Brian was involved with the Devils?”
