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“Say what?” I whisper, defeated.

“I’m not fat.”

I open my mouth, but the words won’t form.

In a voice I’ve never heard him use before, he says, “Luna.”

“I’m not fat,” I whisper.

He nods once, then says, “My body is beautiful.”

“I can’t say that.”

“You will say it, or we’re camping here tonight.” His menacing stare tells me he’s not kidding, so I do.

“My body is beautiful.”

“I’ll never let anyone tell me any different.”

I swallow hard. “I’ll never let anyone tell me any different.”

“I’m perfect.”

I frown. Why is he making me do this?


“Say it, Lu.”

The way he says my name is a growl. And it’s turning me on.

“I’m perfect.”

He nods again. His eyes sweep down my body once more, and he makes a feral noise in the back of his throat. Holy shit. He’s totally checking me out.

“Fuck, Lu,” he whispers. Then he adjusts himself as my throat feels like sandpaper.

I don’t know what makes the next words fall out of my mouth, “Touch me,” I whisper.

His eyes go wide. “Lu. I… I can’t.”

“But you want to?”

His eyes…they’re like the perfect storm as he battles with himself and his emotions.

“Yes – yes, I want to.”

Holy fucking shit, what is going on here?

“Is everything okay in there?” the clerk asks from behind the curtain.

My eyes go wide, and Thomas puts a finger against his lips.

“Y –yes,” I stammer. “I just had trouble with the zipper, but I’m okay now.”

I don’t know if she buys it, but I hear her step away.

Then, I feel Thomas’s hands at my back and his fingers feel like hot cinders on my skin. He finds the stuck zipper and tugs down on it, releasing it as I sigh with relief. I know I’m going to have to pay for it, but still.
