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I almost choke on my fourth donut. “Lucky for me I don’t have any kids then, isn’t it?”

“I saidone day.”

“Not happenin’, Tink. Babies…kids…too much fuckin’ hard work.”

She blinks and then starts laughing. “You were so cute with Caprice at the christening. I know Luna had tears in her eyes watching you hold her.”

Wait…she did?

Harlem thrusted the kid at me, claiming it was a chick magnet, and since all the chicks were across the room watching, I didn’t think it could hurt. But then Stella took a photo and the baby started wriggling around and spitting and making noises. I don’t do kids. Chick magnet or not. We just don’t gel and that’s fine with me.

“Well, I hope she got a good look because it won’t be happenin’ again. Could’ve dropped the kid on her head or some shit.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Not on purpose,” I say. “Babies just drool and smell gross.”

“So why did you agree to hold her?” she muses, knowing the truth.

“Not like I had a choice when Harlem dropped her on me.”

“He was only trying to help.”

“I don’t need any help. Especially lookin’ good in front of women. Don’t need gimmicks to get me chicks.”

“A baby isn’t a gimmick, T.” She sighs. “And anyway, I haven’t seen you with anyone for a while now. Could that be because of a certain someone?”

I give her a pointed look. “Are you done yet?”

“Nope, not nearly.”

“You know you’re more annoyin’ than Jas and Luna put together.”

She grins. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Did you actually come here for anythin’ except to harass me?”

She gives me an innocent look, like I don’t know she’s meddling. “Yes, I came to bring you donuts. Next time, I’ll think twice if you’re going to be grumpy.”

“Next time, bring those and the cupcakes I like.”

“Is there a ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to go with that?” She shakes her head as she stands.

“And here I thought Hawk was the only one who got down on his knees to beg like a pussy.”

It’s a well known fact around the clubhouse that the big guy got down on his knees to grovel before Jas would forgive him for being a dick.

“You’re a jerk,” she says over her shoulder.

“You keep comin’ back, though, so I can’t be that bad.”

“Who else would you talk to if not me?” she calls back. “Oh, and Casey’s party is at Solo. Just thought you’d like to know.”

Solo is the male strip joint the girls sometimes like to go to when they want to piss off their men. It’s not like we can talk. The club owns a strip joint called The Vault, and Cash has recently expressed expanding and giving women a similar styleclub since it’s so popular at Solo with Inked Men XL who were recently in town for three sold-out shows.

I’m thoroughly against the idea.

I frown. “Why would I give a shit?”
