Page 64 of Tag

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“Trying to rule my life, for one. It’s mine and Casey’s birthday combined, and we’re going to Solo to watch Inked Men XL, and that giant pain in my ass thinks he can tell me I can’t go.”

“He’s got some nerve, huh?”

I give him a glare. “Not you too.”

He waves his hands in the air. “I’m just sayin’. If a chick I was hung up on was gonna have other naked dudes rub themselves all over her, I’d have somethin’ to say too.”

I roll my eyes. “He’s not hung up on me. The trouble is, you all stick up for one another, no matter what, and here I was thinking you were on my side.”

“I am on your side, sugar. You don’t wanna waken the beast.”

“Funny, that’s what we used to call Jett before he settled down.”

“Pussy….” He coughs.“I mean…women, they make men weak. Which is why I’m not gettin’ tied down.”

I pout. “And I had such high hopes for us.”

“Sorry. Only so much of me to go around.”

“And to answer your question, I do have a cute friend, but she’s off limits.”

He smirks. “You know that only makes her more attractive to me?”

“Of course. We all want what we can’t have, right?” The second the words are out, I regret being too frank with Rock. He doesn’t need to know shit like that. And I didn’t mean it how it sounded.

He gives me a wink. “Got that right.”

I shake my head as he sidles off to his office.

I’m excited about the prospect of working with Jas and getting out of the office and more involved in the finance side of the businesses. I feel like that’s my true calling.

And taking note of what Manny and Jas told me recently about doing what makes me happy, and not what makes other people happy, I know I’m making the right decision.

I haven’t been working here that long, so I do feel bad, as if I’m jumping ship on Rock, but I know I’ll be so much more productive if my mind is stimulated.

It’s important to me.

I didn’t move back here so I could slip back into my old ways.

I came back to start fresh and to put the past behind me.

Somehow, I found my way back to the clubhouse, but it was like a second home to me.

That doesn’t mean history has to repeat itself.

I’m through with Tag. He can suck it, for all I care.

If he thinks he can try to boss me around like he has some biker ownership over me because of our history, he can think again.

It isn’t just my pride talking. Taking off was the best thing I could’ve done for myself.

I came back with a new sense of vigor, a confidence I haven’t had in years, and I’m not going to let Thomas take that away from me.

He had no fucking right to say shit. If it’s not how short my skirt is, it’s where I’m going with my friends, or am I fucking Rock because we get along. Tag has changed.

He’s always been possessive over me, but he also threw me away at the same time. He can’t have it both ways. He can't have his cake and eat it too. That isn’t fair, and I’d only be cheating myself if I let him control my life.

I’d like to think his protective instincts, which surpass being controlling, are because he’s looking out for me, as all stepbrothers should. But I know that’s not the case.
