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“It is a pity that so many of their race have forgotten such loyalty,” the male observed quietly.

“I personally thought he was very rude.” A female fawning over the prince wrinkled her nose at Varik as if he were something particularly unpleasant that she had stepped in. She turned wide eyes up the prince as she leaned into him. “He was really no fun, Gaix. Do we really have to havehimas our captain.”

The prince chuckled and petted her brown tresses with one hand. “Do not worry. I will see to it personally that our fun will be undisturbed. For our purposes, however, there is none better and I will have nothing but the best, especially for my treasures. When it comes to his duties, Captain Otorol is practically a eunuch and should be valued as such.” He glanced over his females, his smile slipping faintly as his eyes fell upon those lingering at a point farther behind him. His eyes narrowed, his jaw working faintly as it clenched before his gaze snapped forward and his chest heaved as he drew in a deep breath in an obvious attempt in regain control as another carefully cultivated smile stretched over his face and he clutched his nearest mates close to him. “This little venture is for the indulgence of pleasure.”

A nervous look flitted over the faces of several of the females further back and Varik watched them carefully from the corner of his eye. It seemed that not everyone was so enthusiastic about whatever hedonism that the prince had planned. Least of all Varik’s own little blossom. Much to his concern, she looked as if she might be ill, and it took all that he had to keep himself from rushing over to her to see about her care. Surely the prince noticed the state of some of his mates when it came to his plans and yet he did nothing! That scored deep, more so than any insult directed toward him and his officers and their virility as males.

“And your pleasure will be carefully guarded, I assure you.” Varik intoned flatly, his face a neutral mask of respect.

“Excellent. You see, my loves, the Lorgor when trained right are loyal and vicious to my enemies as your Terran attack dogs. There is no reason to worry at all. Just enjoy all the pleasures that this trip has to offer. We will be well protected.” Gaix leaned in to trace his tongue along the neck of the female at his left as his right hand delved between the thighs of the female at his right, a deep, lustful growl leaving him with the rising stench of his pheromones. His gaze lifted to meet Varik’s as his tongue slipped over his mate’s upper breast. “I assume our accommodations are ready?”

Varik held his breath, disgust filling him. The prince did not even consider their sensitive noses before inflicting his Lorgor crew with the pheromonal stamp that accompanied his lustful activities. He refused to outwardly react, however. Not to the smells, that no respectable Lorgor would submit another to, and not to the discussion over him, no matter how his gut was boiling with bitter bile from his changing venom. He was pleased to see that his officers likewise wore carefully blanked expressions as he turned toward the entrance, gesturing for the prince to proceed him.

“Your pleasure deck has been prepared and the ship is ready for departure, my prince,” he replied.

Gaix straightened with a smile. “Excellent. Come along, my lovelies,” he cajoled his females at either side of him. “I cannot wait to introduce you the pleasures of my own private deck.”

The females lingering at the back of the group seemed to withdraw into each other at those words, and Varik’s own little blossom shivered apprehensively, but they all suddenly jumped and hurried forward at the gonsi’s sharp growl behind them. Varik did not look directly at any of them as they made their way past him and into the ship, but the flutter of his blossom’s green gown as she rushed by filled his nose with a wave of her sweet musk and for just a moment, he allowed his eyes to drift shut with pleasure to savor it.

It was wrong, but so right, and he could not help but crave more of it. But why should he not if she was unhappy? The thought was insidious, rising from the darkest corner of his mind and spreading rapidly through his psyche.

Just why should he not have his own delicate blossom?


It was him! The Lorgor captain was just as Stacey remembered him and as she’d come to fantasize over him during her lonely nights. Captain Otorol. The glimpse of him had been brief before they’d been hastened on board and directly to Gaix’s private deck. Still, she hadn’t been able to get him out of her thoughts during take-off or during the long, multi-course meal that had been served to them. It was the only time she had to herself, something that she no longer had the luxury of now that the prince was expecting his mates to indulge his pleasures.

Stacey stared down at her hands clenched nervously in her lap. No, she most definitely couldn’t afford to think of the captain now. If Gaix didn’t notice her daydreaming while he was distracted by the other women rubbing oils over his ultra-fine scales, Athdar most certainly would. She glanced over at the gonsi from the corner of her eye, and she clutched her hands tighter together. He was frowning in her direction. His head turned toward Gaix briefly, but the prince seemed oblivious as he fondled the brunette sitting on his lap. When Athdar looked back toward her he started walking, heading directly for her and the other women sitting on the cushions at that corner of the room with her.

“Oh fuck, why is he coming over here,” Nancy whispered at her left, her head dipping lower.

“The bastard likes to fuck with us to give him a reason to punish us,” Stacey whispered back to the murmurs of agreement from the other women near her. “Just keep cool.”

The advice was easier said than done. She felt the prickle of awareness run up her spine as he strode up to them, dominating the space within their little corner as he loomed over them. She lifted her gaze warily, noting the way his sharp, green gaze cut from woman to the other. It was all she could do to keep from flinching when it finally landed on her.

“What are you five doing over here?” he asked, his voice a soft purr that was typical of Calysii and belied his true brutality. “Should you not be enjoying your Valentine celebration with your mate?”

Stacey’s stretched a nerveless hand toward the elegant glass sitting beside her and plucked it up bringing the rim to her lips so that the sweet scent of the fermented alien fruit hit her nose. She took an intentional sip and gave him what she hoped was a serene smile.

“We are very much enjoying Gaix’s generous gift,” she replied and took another sip, humming with emphasized pleasure as she glanced meaningfully at the other women, and was relieved when Quin, Jasmine, and Vera immediately followed suit while Nancy randomly grabbed a tart from the spread on the low table in front of us and popped it into her mouth.

His frown deepened, his arms crossing over his broad chest as he treated them all to a skeptical look. “And yet you are not at your mate’s side.”

Quin knocked her entire glass back, swallowing down the sparkling pink liquid, and grinned up at him. Stacey didn’t trust that look and promptly jumped in with a simpering smile.

“I would say that we are conveniently on hand but comfortably out of the way,” she pointed out, gesturing to the women pushing at each other to get closer to Gaix. “I don’t know if you noticed, Athdar, but there are nineteen of us and there isn’t even enough room for the fourteen who are over there. They are all squeezed in like sardines in a can and there is still not enough room. And over half of them are still jockeying for space. It makes a lot more sense for us to sit comfortably over here waiting for the prince’s pleasure, doesn’t it?”

His expression tightened but she noted that he cast a furtive glance in Gaix’s direction. His lips pursed as he considered them just as Denise elbowed Gwen in the gut to push her way closer. He grimaced, his gaze dropping back to her.

“It appears that you are correct. Just do not make a habit of this. Gaix tires of your unwelcoming behavior. However. in his graciousness, he is giving you this opportunity to redeem yourselves. He recognizes that you don’t get much of his time or merriment away from the females’ quarters. It is for this reason that he has arranged this excursion. Continuation of recent your behavior will not be tolerated.”

Giving them one last withering look, he stalked back over to his station at the end of the room, his face a mask of respectful attentiveness as he continued to watch over the prince and the wet sounds of fucking and moans filled the deck.

“Christ,” Quin muttered as she brushed her blond curls from her face, earning a sharp look from Nancy. She made a face at the other woman. “What? I’m suddenly afraid to even look over there. The last thing I want to see is Denise’s pale ass in the air again. It’s bad enough I can’t avoid hearing her.”

As if right on cue, Denise’s shrill cry of pleasure burst through the air followed by a low, vibrating groan from Gaix. Quin feigned gagging as Vera slapped her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggle while simultaneously being elbowed by Nancy to keep quiet. Jasmine looked over at the gonsi worriedly but relaxed.

“We’re safe,” she whispered. “He didn’t hear anything.”
