Page 11 of The Big Boss

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Pleasure gathers at my core, deep at the center in that place where his cock is reaching. He’s the perfect length for me, filling me up and stretching me full without any pain. Just decadent ecstasy that’s galloping at a million miles a minute.

Keenan pulls back, standing straight and placing a hand on my chest, holding me in place as he works me with fast, hard strokes. I close my eyes, bathing in the pleasure.

“Let me hear you,” he growls, voice low and desperate. “No one else can.”

I don’t want to scream. It feels too fast and too vulnerable and too much of everything, but he shifts the angle of his hips and I lose control of my voice, a moan slipping past my lips.


Everything coalesces as he drives into me, compressing and then exploding into nothing but light and sheer, utter bliss. I know I scream. I’ve always been loud in bed and this is the best sex that I’ve ever had.

The pleasure rolls across my skin and sinks through it. The world fades to nothing but the movement of Keenan’s body as I ride out the orgasm. I’m blind with it. Shaking, groaning, begging. And then he’s gone.

He’s pulled out of me entirely, and I open my eyes to nothing. Keenan isn’t standing there anymore…because his head is between my legs, tongue tasting my orgasm, dipping inside the space his cock just left. He groans. “You’re delicious.”

“Fuck,” I say, covering my face with my hands. My body jumps in spasms, already overloaded with every kind of sensation, but he doesn’t stop, dipping and swirling his tongue up and over my clit until I’m once again on the edge of pleasure, so perfect that I can nearly taste it in the air.

I reach out, burying my hands in his hair and pulling him closer before he pulls away with a feral grin and shining lips. He fits the head of his cock against me and thrusts once, burying himself deep. So deep it sends me over in one go, and I fall into the second wave of pleasure.

This time I’m not entirely sure that I’ll come back up. His own efforts are hard and fast, and I feel it when he comes, rhythm faltering enough that he has to brace himself on the desk above me. One more thrust, and again, and he cries out his pleasure before going still.

We both collapse into silence, hanging in the aftermath together. The air is thick with the scent of us together—and just of him. Rich leather and cedar.

What the fuck just happened?

I feel like I’m coming out of a trance as I look up at him, breathing hard above me. He is so fucking beautiful, and he is still inside me. Oh my god. I must have lost my mind.

This wasn’t why I came here today. I came here to preserve Lila’s business relationship and tell him what a vile, despicable human being he is. And I let him fuck me on his desk.

And deep in my gut I know that if he turned me over and took me from behind, I wouldn’t say no. I squeeze down on his cock inside me and watch as those already dark blue eyes grow darker again. One eyebrow rises. “Do you want more?”

Yes. Fuck yes.

But I don’t speak those words. I just stare at him for a moment, and slowly, he slips out of me and away. I hear his voice speaking but I can’t focus on his words. Everything is distant. I can’t seem to make sense of any of it.

I’m no prude. I love sex, but this—this isn’t something I normally do. Ever. Do I regret it?


Rose was right, I won’t ever regret it. I can’t. It was too good and too perfect and everything inside me feels calmer. I wish that it just wasn’t with Keenan Silverman. I did more research on him, and he’s exactly the type of person that I need to stay away from. Overwhelmingly rich, cocky, and everything that comes along with that.

Glancing over, he’s silhouetted against the windows as he dresses, and I get a glimpse of a perfectly muscled back and a tattoo. A gorgeously rendered flock of birds swooping across from one shoulder to the other. They disappear as he shrugs the shirt over his shoulders.


I shake my head. “Yeah?”

He smiles. “Did you hear what I asked?”

Biting my lip, I shake my head.

“I asked if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight.”

Suddenly everything shifts. I feel exposed and bare—which I am. I slip off the desk and pull up my underwear and jeans, redoing my belt before hunting for my bra and finding my shirt. I’m not a self-conscious person by any means, but now I feel out of place. Shabby in comparison to everything shiny in this office. Even the desk that he just fucked me on. Everything I’m wearing is…normal for me. Plain underwear and fraying pants. Second-hand t-shirt.
