Page 90 of Deadly Protector

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“How soon do you want to do this?” I ask, unable to argue that Samuil is wrong. Everything he is saying makes sense. I know I could keep Gia safe differently. Yet, the Levkins did get people in our organization. It would be safer to gamble where we have more control, because my Kitten must be safe—no matter what. There’s the added advantage that doing this will secure a strong alliance with the Bratva, and Samuil will make sure that alliance stays intact, if for no other reason than he wants to make sure Gia is safe and happy. His guilt won’t allow him not to. The biggest factor, however, is that I want my ring on her hand. This is the easiest way to accomplish that.

“It can be whenever you want. We will plan it around the time schedule you set. I would suggest it be soon. Neither one of us wants this drawn out.”

“I need to talk to Antonio and Niko. The four of us should have a phone conference in the morning,” I tell him. “If everyone agrees, we can plan it for a week from today. That will give Antonio time to be here, as well as organize what men he wants with him and which of our allies will come to the wedding. We will need a safe place to keep the women and children if you’re right and shit hits the fan. I want Gia protected at all times.”

“I’ve already seen to that. I will show you after you visit with Angie. You can make sure it’s up to your standards.”

“That works. A week will also give me time to convince Gia to marry me, too.”

Samuil surprises me by laughing. “It won’t take that long. She loves you. I got this black eye from her trying to prove she could learn to love me the same way.”

“How did you do that?” I ask, deceptively mild. I have a feeling my little Kitten didn’t tell me everything.

Sam’s expression suddenly turns wary.Too late motherfucker.

“It was just a kiss, Victorio. Angie didn’t want it. When I tried to force the issue?—”

I don’t need to know anything else. She struck out at him when he tried to force her to kiss him.

I leap over the desk, with an unholy howl of anger, intent on killing him. My fist slams into his nose and then I wail on his ribs. Samuil gets in a hit, knocking my head back. When I try to lunge at him again, his chair overturns and we both go to the floor. We both scramble to stand. I charge head-first into Samuil’s stomach, keeping my head down. Sam leaves his midsection open for my punches, but he grabs my head and slams it backwards into a wall. I charge back at him, flipping ourbodies around so his back goes against a window, his shoulder breaking the glass pane.

“I’m going to kill you motherfucker. No one touches my woman!”

I uppercut him, and before he can retaliate the door to the office opens so quickly, it bounces off the wall.

“What the hell is going on?” Gia yells.

Both Samuil and I freeze. I drop my hold on the bastard and turn to look at Gia like the love-starved fool I am. God she’s beautiful. She’s wearing jeans and a pale blue T-shirt. Her beautiful red hair is curly and has been brushed until it shines. It falls down her back and I itch to gather it in my hands. God, how is it possible that she got even more beautiful in the time we’ve been apart? While I’m busy drinking her in, Samuil uses the opportunity to sucker punch me, causing me to bend over from the force of his blow. I stumble but would have been fine if the heel of my foot hadn’t landed on a part of Samuil’s office chair. I go down before I can catch my balance.

Gia comes running over, kneeling down, and putting my head on her lap. I’m not hurt at all, but there’s no way I’m going to pull away from her. Just having her close again makes me calmer. The piece of my soul that’s been missing is suddenly filled. I’m back with my woman.

“Are you okay, honey?”

“I am now,” I groan, pulling her lips down to mine and ignoring the cut on mine. The discomfort doesn’t matter. I just need to touch her. She tries to pull away when Samuil clears his throat, but I don’t let her. I stare into her beautiful green eyes as I hold her neck tightly. “Kiss your man, Kitten. I’ve been starved for you for far too long,” I order and my beautiful Gia smiles before whole-heartedly giving me her lips once more.


. . .

I always lose myself in Victor. Yet, after being without him, I can do nothing but go wherever he leads me. Everything around us fades away. It is only the two of us—nothing and no one else. Everything I feel for him, I try to put in my kiss. I whimper as the kiss deepens and he shifts our bodies. His hand slides up to cup my breast and I feel my nipple harden under his palm. He growls, and I swallow the sound down as he squeezes, pressing harder against my nipple and creating a friction inside of me that makes my pussy wet.

My lungs burn with the need to take in oxygen, but I ignore it. Victor is my air—he’s my everything.His tongue weaves magic around mine as my nails bite into his shoulders. I feel a hand slide under my shirt and against my stomach. I want it. I love the way the heat from his touch electrifies my whole body. When he begins to lift my shirt, the cool air that hits me brings me to my senses.

I regretfully pull away. When Victor wraps his hand against my neck to bring me back to him, I resist. “Victor, we’re not alone,” I whisper.

I watch as his eyes, so dark with passion, begin to clear as reality comes back to him, too. I hate it, even if I know it’snecessary. With a sigh, he gives me another quick kiss. “I’ve been too long without you, Kitten. Sorry,” he mutters quietly.

“I’m not complaining. I feel the same,” I assure him with a smile. He grins, giving me a wink. He gets up, bringing me with him. His face suddenly goes hard as he looks at Sam. “This isn’t over,” he growls, and I wrap my arms around him, pulling in closer to try to reassure us both that we’re here together.

“I didn’t think it would be,” Sam answers. “I just need to know we’re on the same page.”

“We’ll call Antonio in the morning,” he grunts. Then I’m gasping as he picks me up and carries me away.

I don’t fight it. I just hold on to him. My fingers begin to unbutton his shirt, revealing his skin beneath. I press my lips against the exposed skin, breathing in all that is Victor.

“Tell me how to get to your room in this fucking place, Kitten.”

I mutter out instructions without lifting my lips away from his skin. I just can’t manage it. I’ve missed him too much. He must have understood somehow because it’s not long before he’s laying me on the bed and joining me, taking me into his arms, pulling my head against his chest and tucking my head under his chin. His hold is tight, as if he’s trying to reassure himself that I’m here. I wrap my arms around his body and squeeze him harder myself, perfectly understanding what he’s feeling.
