Page 12 of Seduced

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Sarah lightly brushed his shoulder, encouraging him to calm down.

“A shifter is out and about,” Graham paused and took a moment to let it sink in before adding, “And we wondered if you’d seen her.”

“There’s a lotta shifters around,” Dakota noted. “You’re gonna have to be more specific.”

“This one is a blonde girl, and shedoesn’thave a pack.”

Stunned silence crept into the discussion until Samson broke the quiet. “You mean some poor girl’s just out there in the city? Completely defenseless and without a family?”


“That’s a threat to our way of life,” Dakota announced. “We have to find her. What if she turns in the middle of the city and we have another sighting to debunk?”

“We’ve thought of that,” Graham said. “There are a lot of risks to this—for her, for our way of life, for what we’re building here…”

“But mostly, we just want to keep her safe,” Jude added.

Graham nodded. Sarah mostly kept her head down, flipping through her portfolio, though she did look up occasionally, concern evident in her features.

“So how did you figure all this out?” Dakota asked. “Did you just bump into some girl, get her life story, and then scare her off?”

“Pretty much.” Graham sighed.

“There’s still a lot we don’t know,” Jude broke in. “For starters, we didn’t get much information out of her before she ran away.”

“But you did confirm she doesn’t have a pack?” Dakota asked.

“Well, no,” Jude hedged.

“We were able to put it together from context,” Graham interjected.

Dakota looked from Jude to Graham quizzically while Samson played with his hands.

“So, which is it?” Dakota asked. “Do you know if she has a pack or not?”

Graham and Jude looked at each other, contesting their stances with their facial expressions. “I got the impression she didn’t have a pack,” Graham said finally. “We’re not one-hundred percent, but if there’s even a chance that she’s out there alone, we have to find her.”

Graham and Jude both offered their side of the story, explaining what had happened and how they had run into the girl. They explained that the only thing they had to go off of was her looks and that she was a shifter. They had not gotten a name.

“She had a travel bag,” Jude said. “I can’t remember what it said on it, but it was blue and it had some kind of logo on it.”

“That’s not a lot to go on,” Samson said.

“I know,” Graham huffed. “We also have a range of locations where she could be, based on where we ran into her.”

“If she didn’t hightail it and leave town,” Dakota countered. “It’d be pretty stupid to stay in the same place if she was scared enough to run away.”

“We just hope you’ll keep an eye out,” Graham pressed them. “If you’re in the area, maybe see if you see her, maybe ask around.”

“That is our job,” Samson said firmly.

“Will that be all?” Dakota asked, already motioning to leave the table.

“That is all,” Graham said finally.

Dakota stood up, leaning over to kiss Sarah on the cheek. He looked like he could literally crush her if he fell over. “See ya at home, honey,” Dakota said and then hobbled away.

Sarah coughed, clearing her throat a bit. She opened the portfolio and took out two stapled informative copies, giving one to Graham and one to Jude. In the top left corner of the front page were the words “Fang Tech” with a logo of a fang going through a rectangle with rounded corners. The cover bore the words “Seasonal Report” and was otherwise a blank white sheet.
