Page 67 of Conquer or Die

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“I promise you, one thing. I won’t let you kill me until I kill you first.” He smiled getting closer.

“If you leave this earth, I’m leaving it with you love.” I rolled my eyes trying to swallow the puke that was threatening to come out. “I’ll see you in hell Isabella.”

I smiled turning to him “Oh indeed, but why don’t you get a head start?”

I let out a heavy sigh wondering what was going through Vincenzo’s head, what he was planning on doing how he was planning on playing this game that Xavier started but one thing I didn’t have to wonder was how determined he was, he got himself back mixed with his old self. The mafia king was fully unleashed, and he was coming for blood, I looked over at Xavier in pity knowing his days were finally numbered.

I can’t wait to watch his soul leave his body, to watch his eyes become halo and his body lifeless. To watch the blood drain from him, one thing was guaranteed we were going to make him pay for every single sin he did, and his death will not be quick. I started feeling sleepy, so I slowly drifted off taking the advantage of the situation and sleep.


“Isabella, wake up you’re missing the show” Xavier shook me awake directing my attention to the screen. My eyes finally focusing I see Vincenzo and Lorenzo staring at the wall.

“Is that her blood?” Lorenzo shouts running his hand through his hair. Vincenzo nodded looking stressed.

“He killed her!” Lorenzo throws the chair I was previously chained to against the wall.

“He would never kill her Lorenzo. That’s the only thing we can trust he will never kill her.” I nodded my head slowly, as much as Xavier tortured me, he always stopped when he felt like my body was giving out. He was a sadistic idiot.

I serve a bigger purpose for him alive than dead and according to him he is in love with me. So, Vincenzo is right, he knew that Xavier would easily kill Lorenzo, but he would never kill me.

“It’s her blood on the wall Vincenzo, there’s a bullet on the floor and you’re putting your trust in the hand of a sadistic asshat!” Lorenzo yelled.

I couldn’t help but giggle, Xavier looked at me offended “I’m enjoying the show” I smiled sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes we all resumed focusing back on the screen, “What are we going to do?” Lorenzo shouts. Vincenzo bobs his head letting out a defeated sigh “I have no idea.”

Xavier lets out a laugh feeling victorious.

“We have to find her” Vincenzo nods his head I let out a soft breath I can sense his frustration from here, and I hate that he was feeling so defeated.

“You don’t think I know that? I finally got her back, all of her and she gets taken from me. You don’t think I know we have to find her? Do you think I’m going to spend any waking moment not looking for her? My mind is going a thousand miles an hour trying to figure a way out to find her.” Vincenzo ranted his desperation and frustration reaching a new level.

“Boss we need to get out of the city” one of men stated looking at him, I looked at the man and shot him a glare.

“No, no, no. We won’t be doing that” I stated shaking my head,

“No, his right we need to leave, Vincenzo might be defeated now but that feeling is going to turn into anger and his going to find you. Don’t forget Vincenzo owns this city everyone fears him and if he puts a hit on your head boss. No one is going to protect you against the king.” My eyes going wide, I knew what he said was true, but I was beyond frustrated that he made sense. Since when did Xavier hire smart people.

“Where should we go?” Xavier thinks out loud.

“Spain” I suggested.

“No, that’s the first place Vincenzo would think of, plus you own Spain. That’s the worst place you can go” I elbowed the man in his ribs growing frustrated with the both of them, seriously need to straighten them out when I get a chance.

“We can go to Italy?” I shot the other man a look, seriously? Vincenzo’s hometown? I take back calling them smart.

Xavier looked hesitant as he stared at the men.

“It’s the last place he would think of, considering his Italian and has connections there. He wouldn’t even expect it” I nodded my head unconsciously Xavier seeing me agree smirked gaining full confidence in the man’s suggestion in going to Italy.

Something in my gut told me he was going to regret going to Italy, but I wasn’t going to fight him. As long as my loved ones were safe, I didn’t even care nor dare make a move, like I said Xavier may be cowardly, but he was sneaky he knew how to be threatening without putting himself in danger which is why he lasted this long. It’s the only quality that makes him dangerous, I knew if I made a fuss his first move will be to find Dante and silence me by threatening my son, and I’ll be damned if I was going to let anyone look at my son the wrong way let alone threaten my baby. I’ll escape eventually, everything in life has a way of happening at the right time, my escape will be one of those things but this time it won’t take me a year … hopefully.

I settled into my seat and allowed sleep to consume for me.
