Page 45 of Callum

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"Let me guess, you would want me to come and live with you in Italy."

"We could divide our time between here and there. Your business or the bulk of it is here; now I understand that and can live with it."

"You are forgetting something," He said casually.

"What is that?"

"I am with someone."

"Darling, I am sure it is not a committed relationship."

"I am committed to her."

"And yet you are here with me. That means something."

"It means that you meant something to me, still do, and invited me to lunch."

She pouted at that. "I am not taking no for an answer."

"I am not going to hurt her, Bianca."

"Surely, if you tell her that we have a connection-"

"She already knows."

"Have you spoken to her about us?" The glint in her almost purple eyes showed interest.

"Not really. Ah, here is the meal." Callum was unsure why he was so relieved at the interruption, but he was.

"It smells divine."


"You are going away?" Jack stared at her blankly. "What about rehearsals?"

"We are not going to be performing for the next two weeks. I will be back in time for that."

"Why are you leaving? Are you going somewhere with Callum? To one of his island retreats or somewhere in the Caribbean?" His eyes glinted with curiosity. "It would be just like him."

"I am going off by myself to take a much-needed break. Just leave it at that."

"Do I sense trouble in paradise?" He asked curiously as he followed her out.

"You are getting on my nerves."

"Does he know you are going away?" He called out as she hopped into her car. "Lynn!"

Ignoring him, she slammed the door shut and drove away. She left a message on her brother's phone to let him know she would be out of touch for a couple of weeks. It was taking the coward's way out, but she knew that if she called, he would grill her, wanting to find out why she was running.

And that was what she was doing, even if she admitted it to herself. She had spent the past two nights tossing and turning in her bed and chiding herself for wasting time on a man who had lost interest in her.

His ex had come back into his life, and it was apparent he had feelings for her. It had been as plain as the nose on her face. She would not be the one to stand in the way of true love.

She had fallen; she had to admit that it had been less than two weeks, and he had managed to bowl her over. And after he had done that, after telling her all those pretty words and making those promises, he had gone back to her.

Could she blame him, however? The woman was exceptionally beautiful with all that white skin, honey-blonde hair, and purple eyes. What man could resist her? She had tortured herself by digging up photos of them on the internet, and they had looked good together.

So, she was going away to get her head on straight. She had turned off her phone, not that she was afraid he would call. He had called twice and left two bland messages. Usually, he would come and find her, but he had not done that, and it had sent aclear message. He was no longer into her. Well, to hell with him! She was through pining.
