Page 76 of Callum

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"As a doornail, or is it a doorpost." Wyatt shook his head. "Your woman did a brave if reckless thing. He was taking her to a cabin in the woods. A literal cabin in the woods."

"Who the hell was he?"

"Alton Cosgrove is a computer geek who lived in his mother's basement. His entire space was huge and plastered with pictures of Lynn. He started slashing her photos a few months ago."

"He was going to kill her." Callum's hands balled into fists.

"That was the plan, yes." Wyatt took a sip of the insipid coffee before giving up on it. "I need to call Audra."

"You should go on home,"

"No, not yet." Turning his back, he placed the call, and Callum half listened as he spoke to his wife, his voice gentle. It was funnyhow falling in love turns grown men into babies. Right now, he could not even take an easy breath as he waited for news about the love of his life.

And she was - when he heard that she was missing, it had shaved several years off his life, and as soon as she was strong enough, he was going to get a minister and make them legal, no matter what she said.

"She wants to be kept in the loop. I-" They both turned when the door was pushed open.

"How is she?"

"Still out of it." The doctor told them with a slight smile. "She is a fighter. No internal damage, and the bullet went straight through. She lost a lot of blood, but we were able to do something about that. And the baby is all right."

Callum went still at that as he stared at the man. "Baby?"

"Ms. Peterson is approximately six weeks pregnant. I take it that this is a surprise?"

"Yes." He had to clear the lump in his throat. "Yes, it is."

"Congratulations." Wyatt slapped him on the back.

"I need to be with her."

"Of course. She will probably sleep for the rest of the night-"

"I don't care." He turned to Wyatt. "Thanks for everything."

"I will call you in the morning."


He had to touch her. She was lying against the pillows, her hair twisted into a knot on her head. Her lovely face had bruises, and the white bandage on her left arm starkly contrasted her caramel complexion.

Pulling up the chair, he sat there and carefully took her hand. "Hello, darling." His voice was husky, his body weak with relief. "You gave me quite a scare. I am tempted to tie you to my bed and never let you out of that bedroom." He linked his fingers with hers. "If he were not dead, I would want to do the job myself.

Please remind me to yell at you for pulling that dangerous stunt." He had to blink back the tears. "We are going to be parents, and considering the changes that will be taking place in our lives, we are going to have to make some adjustments, and I am not going to take any arguments from you."

Lifting her hand carefully, he kissed her knuckles. "You will call me a nag, but I can live with that."

"I almost lost you, and I cannot go through that again." He laughed softly. "I have never been this vulnerable before, and I want to say that it is not a feeling I appreciate.

Anyway, sweetheart, we will get hitched as soon as you are better. I will get the ring and don't want to hear a word from you. I love you so much, my sweet, so damn much."


Her eyelids flickered open slowly. Something was anchoring her right hand to the bed, and she had a headache and aches all over her body. Turning, she felt the familiar jolt to see him sitting in the sleep chair, his hand holding hers.

His head was uncomfortable, and his suit jacket was tossed carelessly on the arm of the chair. He moved the minute she tightened her hand in his, his amazing eyes latching onto her face.

"It's about time," He whispered.
