Page 1 of Fai's Dark Mate

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The world was usually in chaos. It happened when people took risks to satisfy their curiosities, especially when influenced by the magical energies of a place like the Enchanted Forest. But can anyone really be blamed for giving in to it?

Some might say that the magical energy in the Enchanted Forest was alive, pulling in any creature, no matter how smart or small, and then changing them. Over time, these changes led to the various beings that now lived in the forest. The soft glows of purples, blues, and greens in every leaf and petal showed that the Enchanted Forest was alive and breathing.

But there was more it had to offer.

Humans were the first to come, climbing out of the Enchanted Pond of the Enchanted Forest. Tall and long-limbed creatures with much agility and great intelligence. They existed in harmony with the flora, fauna, and flair of the Enchanted Forests, and held the power to communicate in the strangest ways, using sound, gestures, and shapes. They invented speaking, writing, art, music, and more. Asthey evolved, they learned to delve into the energies of the forest and wield something beyond themselves; something spectacular:magic.

Magic, the true essence of the Enchanted Forest’s energy, brought the Humans much prosperity. Over time, its use became so prominent that it began to affect later generations, giving rise to some beautiful and even strange beings. Fairies, Dwarves, Nymphs, Sirens, Mermaids, Orcs, Giants, and many more beings came into formation over the centuries, all finding their place either within the Enchanted Forest or near its borders. As diverse communities formed, so did cultures, then territories.

These beings took to the mountains, the seaside, the ice, and the sand dunes. Some forms of magic would only suit the Nymphs but would not instill in the Orcs who instead were bestowed with a different kind of magic. Everything was wonderfully diverse, meant to complement each other and make the Enchanted Forest thrive.

But then came the conflicts. As it happens with differences, whether they be physical, cultural or magical, barriers eventually formed between the creatures in a last-ditch effort of preservation. It became hard to believe that they had all come from the same place: the Enchanted Pond in the Enchanted Forest, which now felt like a small puddle in contrast to the big wide world that had stretched out beyond it.

The Enchanted Forest had only one loyal group of creatures that pledged to forever protect it and be in its service: the Fairies. A neutral zone of peace and harmony for many centuries, its group of nimble Fairy Sentinels evolved over the years to become some of the most sought out agents of maintaining stability and diplomacy throughout all the nations that exist. Proficient in some of the strangest forms of magic made others not only fear them, but also respect them.

Everything as it stands now, is threatened by a singular detestable immortal being, the Elven King Travus himself. Preserving centuries of history, evolution, and long-standing communities now lie in the hands of one single Fairy, Aria Violetgrass, willing to risk anything and everything.

Chapter 1

It was difficult to tell apart the fluttering wings from rustling leaves, or even the soft brush of grass underfoot. Then again, the Fairy Sentinels did not make much sound when flying, neither could anyone tell if they were walking up on them. Most times, it was hard to tell if they were even breathing.

Aria Violetgrass was the stealthiest amongst them all, zipping through softly glowing wisterias without ever touching a petal. The kind of speed her wings offered held the potential to let her encircle the Enchanted Forest’s perimeter in one full day.

So, when she interrupted the Elves in the middle of the unprecedented conquest upon the Orc territory, it sent everyone scattering. From the thick trees that surrounded the large communities, she appeared like a raging arrow cutting through the air to crash right into the instigator of it all; the Elf that claimed to be King Travus himself.

They flew through the walls of a collapsing wooden house still ablaze, and Aria was tossed away with a smack ofElf’s large arm. She crashed through the timber and rolled out into the street. Gaining control, she came up on one knee to launch herself back at her target with her sharp blade in hand, but paused as she watched the roof and walls of the wooden house cave in.

She hoped it would trap the imbecile who dared to needlessly attack a perfectly peaceful community.

King Travus’s large silhouette rose amidst the smoke and rubble, standing taller than most beings she knew. He was a few heads taller than his own subjects. With his broad stature and rippling muscles, it was a miracle Aria hadn’t broken any bones yet.

“You’re strong, little Fairy,” he chuckled deeply from the dusty curtain, marching slowly out of the damage to loom over her. His hood darkened his face, but she could feel his steely eyes piercing through her. “But you’re mistaken if you think you can win this battle single handedly.”

Aria was only about three-quarters his height, and she knew it wouldn’t be a fair fight. The Elf soldiers would be easier to disarm given their almost equal stature with her. She needed her unit.

“Who said I was alone?” she seethed and flexed her palm toward the air, sending a ball of light shooting in the sky that exploded with Fairy dust over the chaos.

Before anyone could blink, the air was buzzing with Fairy Sentinels crashing into Elf soldiers and taking them on. Travus grunted in displeasure and drew his sword, focusing entirely on Aria. The cry of swords and voices fell away as his gaze bore into hers menacingly, and she knew she had to use everything in her power to keep him distracted long enough for the Orcs to escape.

They charged at one another with blades cutting through the air. His black iron competed with her magically reinforced crystal, sending magical sparks flying with each impact.

He disappeared suddenly in the blink of an eye, and Aria dodged his swing from behind her head by a fraction of a second.

Invisibility and speed,she noted,what a dangerous combination.

But she knew she was just as skilled. She did wield magic after all. Dodging another swipe, she whispered under her breath and disappeared into the air, sending Travus looking around desperately.

“You think I haven’t trained for this, pixie?” he chuckled darkly as he narrowly dodged every single hex, she threw at him. “You’ll have to be more creative than this.”

Surrounding him in a crowd of suspended hexes to explode mercilessly around him in fireworks, she took herchance amidst his confusion. She flew up to his neck to suffocate him while he was overwhelmed, but her hands were only inches away when he turned and grabbed her wrist.

Slammed to the ground, Aria found herself dizzy and throbbing with ache all over. Her body armor had definitely dented somewhere, making it difficult to breathe.

“Either you’re very brave,” panted Travus as he straddled her, “or an absolute fool.”

“The only fool here is you,” she spat through the haze, feeling extremely vulnerable under him. “Why would you put centuries of peace on the line like this?”
