Page 10 of Fai's Dark Mate

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“There’s nothing else,” he said defeatedly before turning to the princess for a deep bow. “The King’s guard must have taken your things to your assigned room by now. I will leave you in his care. Please send for me should there be any trouble at all.”

Travus straightened up on his throne. “That may be an issue, Sir Arthur. If you’re so worried, you may come for chaperoned visits every once in a while, but there will be no exchange of messages.”

The Princess turned to the visibly uncomfortable knight. “There is nothing to worry about. Your main priority is to ensure my mother’s health. We will meet again in thirty days, hopefully prosperous.”

Arthur could only nod and take his leave, though he seemed reluctant. As the door echoed shut, Travus eyed the Princess intently.

“Is it truly so cold?” he inquired genuinely. She only looked at him through half-lidded eyes with barely concealed annoyance, but she nodded. He gestured for her to climb the steps to his throne, and she did so gracefully despite her heavy-looking cape. He was sure it was lined excessively on the inside for her sake. As the beams of moonlight broke across her face, he once again found himself entranced by her beauty. Had he taken the opportunity to travel outside of Eldoria and explore more, he would’ve found the Nymphs and seen their beauty before now.

She stood before him at less than an arm’s length, and he studied her, his hand gloved with metal reaching out for the golden clip at her neck holding her cape together. He undid it with a simple flick, and her heavy cape pooled around her feet, leaving her in beautiful layers of sheer fabric as blue as her hair.

Princess Mierna was the embodiment of light rippling across a lake in the afternoon sun. His eyes trailed overthe snug bodice with its plunging neckline resting low over her full bosom, then eyeing the dainty pendant of a semi-opaque pebble that adorned the shimmering skin of her forehead.

“You’re hardly wearing anything warm underneath,” he scoffed as he leaned forward, allowing his finger to trail her collarbone. “How can you complain?”

“My carriage was kept warm. I assumed your castle would be the same.”

“Your knight and dame should’ve warned you,” he continued softly as his finger slid lower, tracing her somewhat precarious neckline. The Princess wasn’t affected. “Or are you simply of weaker stature?”

Her hand gripped his wrist barely in the blink of an eye, the strength of her fingers much stronger than he anticipated as she pulled his hand off of her.

“Please do not underestimate me,” she almost scowled. “Nymphs aren’t simply dainty women to play around with.”

“Of course not.” He grinned darkly. “I suppose I should expect resistance.”

“Again, not a dainty plaything,” she warned and let go of his hand. “Now, will I at least be allowed to bathe? It was quite the journey getting here.”

“Of course, my lady.”

He called out for his servants and ordered them to help the Princess get settled in. As he watched her walk away, he could feel something stir within him.



The steam rolled off the still waters of the large rectangle pool, dancing in the dimness of the candles. Drips of condensation echoed around the tiled bathing hall, and King Travus waited patiently on the far end of the pool from where he could see the large double doors.

His oiled body was submerged halfway in the warm water, petals of lavender drifting slowly across the surface. The relief of abandoning the weight of his armor almost lulled him to sleep in the pleasant warmth of the enclosed hall.

The doors opened, and his attention was drawn to the slender woman that appeared from the cold light of the castle’s hallway, wrapped in a thick robe with her hair gathered at the back of her head. Her bored expression turned to distaste.

He couldn’t deny the enjoyment he got from her reactive and expressive face. She was an open book.

“Laying yourself bare so soon, your majesty?” Mierna said through gritted teeth. “I could be carrying a knife.”

“Are you?”

“I might begin to.”

He shrugged nonchalantly. “Won’t be much use either way. I’m immortal.”

“Your crown jewels aren’t partial to amputation.”

Travus burst out laughing, throwing his head back as he spread his arms over the edge of the pool. “I like your sense of humor, but you will have no reason to do so. This is a period of diplomacy, and I have no intention of harming you in any way.”

Her eye twitched. “Charmed.”

She loosened the robes around her, and they slipped off her body, revealing herself completely bare to him with no shame. Nymphs were generally regarded as personifications of nature.
