Page 22 of Fai's Dark Mate

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Aria even caught one of them saying they were fighting like cats in the street.

Where’s our dignity now?She wondered as she finally kicked the man off her and sent him flying into a flower bed. To her surprise, he lunged toward her as soon as he’dlanded, taking her by the waist with such speed that the air was snatched from her lungs.

They flew through the air and stopped inches away from the castle wall. He dropped her upon halting, grabbing her by the neck and pinning her to the wall with her toes a hair’s width from the ground. Her feet stretched for footing, growing light-headed as his fingers grew tighter on the sides of her throat.

I shouldn’t be enjoying this,she thought, even though she was helpless. They both panted, visibly exhausted by their own unexpected scuffle.

“Back to your posts!” Travus yelled at the peeking Elves, and they all scurried away, leaving the two alone.

“I must…say…your majesty,” she grunted through the tightness in her neck, “you’ve got quite the stamina.”

“You’re very slippery, if I do say so myself,” he replied as he let her down on the ground still holding her hostage by the throat, but with a more manageable grip.

She was finally able to breathe a little. “Ah, but that isn’t news,” she heaved with a teasing yet sultry look in her eye, “or did you forget that I told you I’d had training. Princesses don’t have to be weaklings. They sometimes have to defend their kingdom, and themselves from neighboring royalty.”

His fingers tightened, cutting her off with a light choke as he pressed his body against hers, as if threatening to crush her entirely. “Are you sure you’re a princess?” he growled into her ear. “I’m beginning to think otherwise.”

“I did away with the ridiculous notions of honor long ago, your majesty,” she whispered against his lobe. “Times have changed but you wouldn’t know, being cooped up on this mountain for decades.”

“You underestimate me.”

“Now we’re even.”

“Goodgrief!” He grunted and grabbed her chin instead, turning her face to kiss her so rough that she mewled. “What would it take to shut you up?”

“You could put me to sleep,” she teased as she remembered their bath. “It’s about time you got even for last time.”

Travus groaned with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “If that’s what you want,” he growled, “then that’s exactly what I’ll avoid.”

She almost smacked her head back into the wall for how it backfired but moaned softly when his lips trailed down her throat, as his other hand tugged at her bodice. Her chest was dangerously close to spilling out should he tug anymore. His hands fell to her ribs to hold her steady, andshe began to writhe when she felt his teeth sink into the sensitive, still-healing bruise on her neck.

“It was fading,” he stated flatly before letting her go with her knees trembling under her. She stumbled a little, and he cackled deeply as she caught herself against the wall while glaring at him, feeling herself grow red with anger and embarrassment.

“I still have a stronger resolve than you,” she spat.

“We’ll see how that fares, Princess,” he said threateningly before walking away.

Chapter 11

Watching Princess Mierna stomp around the castle in frustration was the most amusing thing he’d witnessed since her arrival. It was even more amusing than watching Orcs trying to fight back against his Elven troops as they stormed into one last town to conquer. While Travus didn’t take real pleasure in inflicting harm, there was an undeniable satisfaction in exerting his power.

Sometimes he forgot what he was capable of. Having someone like Mierna to toy with reminded him of it. It was so entertaining that he almost convinced himself to delay his most recent plans to take over the Dwarf mines.

Don’t get sidetracked, he told himself. It was easier said than done. As Mierna huffed and puffed with her skin tinged red and her alluring, familiar, but hard-to-pin scent grew stronger, his own resolve was beginning to crumble.

He had plenty of women to choose from, but he wanted Mierna.

And she needed him.

He watched her march from one door to the next, opening it, grunting in frustration, then slamming it shut. Mierna was attempting to find her bedchambers.

Travus wouldn’t allow it.

The more he watched, the more he realized that there was something striking about her that he couldn’t shake off. Of course, she was undeniably very beautiful, but the way she moved and the frustrated sounds she let out were, for some reason, taking him back to a memory of a certain Fairy Sentinel he encountered.

He concluded many women of the current era were becoming rather feisty as opposed to those from his younger days. It was quite admirable, if not entertaining.

“How is this possible?” her snappy voice echoed through the castle, carrying up to the tower where he watched from the topmost floor. “Elves can’t create illusions!”

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