Page 27 of Fai's Dark Mate

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She turned with a swish of her cape to glare at Travus. “Release him at once! He has every right to be here and request my presence.”

“He could’ve sent a letter.”


The corner of his lip smirked as he wiped a bead of sweat from her temple. Meirna was so enraged that she didn’t notice how hot her face had become, even in the chill of the mountain air. And, the shadows caused by the torches, made Travus’s face look even more sinister.

Despite how devious he looked, his touch was gentle, cool, and careful. And it was also very confusing.

“He can fight his way out if he wants,” he suggested as if it was perfectly reasonable. “If he can take on my strongest knight, he’s free to go.”

“And if he can’t?”

He grinned as he grabbed her chin. “How do you think the winner will be decided, Princess?”

She pulled her face out of his touch with a menacing glare. “This isn’t right, Travus. You can’t attack my people while our agreement stands. We sealed it in blood.”

Travus held up a finger. “Number one, He’s Human, not a Nymph.” Then a second finger. “Number two, we’re not intruding on your territory.”

“He’s assigned as my guard!” She screamed.

“Not while you’re here,” he reminded her cheekily. “Besides, I don’t want to pass up an opportunity for entertainment here, Princess. I’m a bored man. Either he duels for his life, or I shoot him dead from here with my arrow.”

He pointed to a few guards nearby that readied their crossbows, aiming right for Arthur. Aria felt infuriated and helpless, and she wondered how monstrous one had to be to not flinch at the idea of someone getting hurt.

She looked down at Arthur and knew he was in no state to take on such a challenge. He’d be killed instantly. And ifhe should win, he’d still succumb to his injuries on his way back down the mountain.

Standing tall, she looked Travus right in the eye and announced as loudly as she could.

“I’ll fight in his place, your majesty. If entertainment is what you want, you shall receive it.”

Chapter 13

At a loss for words, King Travus watched as the delicate looking woman turned regal right before his very eyes. Her shimmering robe as well as her elegance, fell away to a hardened aura similar to that of warriors. She had a light in her eyes that was so sharp, it made him wonder if he was still making the mistake of underestimating her.

He couldn’t stop her when she flung herself over the railing, sliding down the pillar with her feet against them and landing soundly onto one knee. She rose up, her pale blue hair catching the moonlight with a harsh glow. The sight held Travus captive, and he watched her move toward Arthur and grab his chin, guiding his face to look up at her.

Travus hated that she touched him so easily.

“Hand me your sword, Sir Guisgard.”

Arthur’s eyes widened with worry, and he shook his head despite how weak he looked. “No, your highness. Please. This is unnecessary.”

“Your deathwillincite riots,” she said seriously. “It will start a war.”

“So will yours.” Arthur added.

“I won’t die.” She said as she gave Arthur a sly smile.

When she turned to look Travus venomously in the eyes, he felt a shudder go down his spine. If he was not immortal, he was certain her gaze would’ve stopped his heart.

“Don’t risk your life for this,” Arthur continued to plead, but Princess Mierna was no longer listening to him.

She was in nothing but her undergarments. Her bare arms and shins surprised everyone, and Travus knew she was serious about taking Arthur’s place.

She turned back to the Human knight. “Give me your sword.”

With no other choice, he reached for his weapon and drew it out, handing it to her. She accepted it graciously and shielded Arthur behind her from the soldiers that stood before them. Everyone looked at Travus, the air filled with confusion and uncertainty.
