Page 33 of Fai's Dark Mate

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“I don’t knowwhattook over me, Arthur,” she said. “My magic’s been unstable, and even flying has been difficult. It might be the castle being imbued with dark magic. I’m worried that maybe I’m turning into a fae, just like…”

Arthur looked at her curiously. “Like?”

“It’s nothing,” she said darkly. “I need a healer, but I can’t let Travus’s people inspect me. It might give me away.”

“I could bring someone in for you,” he said, but she shook her head.

“We need to be tactful about it,” she said. “I’ll ask Travus to send word for you. Only then will you accompany one of my healer sentinels.”

He agreed with her and finally decided to pull out the scroll she’d given him before. There was more information on it detailing the Nexis Council’s plans.

“West side,” Aria muttered. “Travus’s Councilmen were saying something about the longer tunnels on that end.”

“Invading from there wouldn’t make any sense,” he explained with confusion. “Apart from the longer tunnels, that area is crawling with predatory foliage. Cutting through it all would exhaust them before even crossing the west border.”

“These are Travus’s men we’re talking about,” she reasoned. “You saw how strong they are.”

He didn’t deny it, although he could feel his ego bruising again. With a nod, he decided that he’d take his leave for Nexis immediately. Aria got up as well, pouring herself a glass of water before fluttering her wings to test her stability.

“Oh, and Aria…” he said somewhat bashfully, “about last time…”

“Hm?” She sounded distracted.

“You were right about me getting swayed,” he finally admitted. “I really do love Mierna. I suppose my confusion was simply a test of loyalty.”

She hummed once more. “That won’t be the only time, Arthur,” she explained kindly. “Loyalty is a choice. Had you decided to betray her, I would’ve never been able to trustyou to continue this mission with me. How you treat the people you love says a lot about everything else.”

He felt like he was being schooled, but there wasn’t much he could argue against. As cold as Aria came off, she still operated with the best interest at heart. He admired it. She was similar to Princess Mierna in that way, though he hoped that he could prevent the Princess from ever being in the position that Aria often found herself in. That was why he was Princess Mierna’s knight; to ensure her life was easier, safer, and happier.

He watched Aria turn invisible and his window close, then wrapped himself up in his cloak to leave.


He didn’t take Aria’s warning to Nexis’s Council. Instead, he headed straight for the security guild where all the Human guards and knights congregated. With the Nymph troops deployed to escort the Fairies only a day ago, he had the opportunity to utilize his own men for a secret operation that would pose a risk to no one.

“The aid from Nexis and the Enchanted Forest will remain spread out along all of Midges’ borders as planned,” he explained on the map laid out on a wooden table. Thesurrounding soldiers listened attentively. “Yet I’ve received intel that there may be an invasion from the west border. We need to saturate support at the true point of ambush, or the defensive troops will be overwhelmed. If that happens, all of these efforts will be for nothing.”

“The Elves could use the west border to their advantage,” one of the knights noted. “They’re familiar with plants which is why they survive in harsh environments. Agriculture is child’s play for them.”

The fact had completely slipped Arthur’s mind, and Aria’s intel was suddenly starting to hold more weight.

“Our only job tonight is to confirm the legitimacy of the information,” he reassured them all. “I’m not sure if Eldoria’s troops will even attack tonight. We need to divide in four and station ourselves on all borders with a messenger Fairy each.”

The strategy was implemented as planned. Arthur led his squadron to the west border while the rest positioned themselves at the remaining ones. Everyone remained hidden, being mindful not to interrupt the existing aid’s patrol. Arthur waited and waited, moments stretching out agonizingly with no sign of Travus’s men.

The messenger Fairy behind him suddenly spoke up. “Sir Guisgard, they’ve detected something suspicious toward the north border.”

“Have they checked?”

The Fairy closed her eyes and waited for more information to come through. She then spoke urgently, her voice overlapping into multiple octaves as she transmitted the message. “Immediate assistance is required at the north border immediately. Elves are marching in.”

“All Humans are required to take over the vacant posts that the Nymphs and Fairies will leave behind,” Arthur explained to the messenger Fairy. “The current strength of security needs to be maintained all around until the situation at the north border is stabilized.”

From there, everything was smooth sailing. Small troops of Elves attempted to attack the other borders as well, but Arthur’s teams drove them away without much effort and little casualties. As reported, the north border faced a larger attack, but the Dwarves, Nymphs, and Fairies succeeded in their efforts against them easily.

What Arthur assumed would be hours of battle only lasted a few moments due to his strategic thinking, and everything fell back into place as it did before the Elves attacked. As reports came in through the Fairy messenger with updates, Aria’s right-hand, Callie, appeared at the south border while accompanying the original guards that were stationed there.

“Good thinking, Sir Guisgard,” she said with a smile. “One of your squadrons told me everything. It’s great to have someone flexible be so involved.”
