Page 62 of Fai's Dark Mate

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She pointed to the crowd. “Look. Humans. Faes. “–they’d never be so easily accepted in places like this,” she continued. “Now they’re welcomed.”

“So…there was some good that came from it all, yes?”

She elbowed him in the rib, but chuckled. “Enough. How’s little Ivy? Did you look in on her?”

“Yes, just fine,” he said cheerily. “She’s rather fond of therealPrincess, I mean Queen Mierna.”

“Please stop addressing her like that. Yes, she’s therealone.”

“I distinctly remember one of our vows when we got married, was to always hold each other accountable for our grievances.”

Aria rolled her eyes, but she could only accept it as she wasn’t any kinder when it came to reminding him of how he threw the entire realm into chaos only months ago.

She turned from the window and allowed Travus to lead her outside and to the nursery. Admittedly, this past week had been rather difficult for Aria. Ivy’s wings were due shortly, and she had a sinking feeling that they would never come because of her sinking completely into dark magic. She had no choice but to practice it thoroughly with Hector to prevent being accidentally consumed by it, and the offsprings of Faes almost never developed wings of their own, rendering them without enchantment. It didn’t mean that they couldn’t practice magic, but Aria still wished there was hope for her child to enjoy flight.

She entered the nursery to see Arthur carefully holding Ivy while Mierna attempted to dress her. Even at such a young age, the child managed to expertly slip out of whatever garment was being put on her. Mierna would pull one sleeve on the child’s arm, and it would slide right off as she worked on the other.

Mierna blamed this trait on Aria.

“I can’t imagine what she’ll be like when she grows up,” sighed the Nymph Queen as Arthur finally handed Ivy overto Aria. “I suppose you’ll be training her as you were in your childhood, Aria?”

“Absolutely,” she said. “Though, I am rather curious about how she’ll fare.”

Somehow, Aria was able to get Ivy into the new clothes with ease. Travus was always caught off-guard by it but smiled when Ivy reached out for him. As the child was passed over, Aria’s eyes lingered on her back expectantly, wondering if her little wings might pop out unexpectedly.

It seemed Arthur had noticed and decided to pull Aria out of the nursery with some excuse. When they were out of Travus and Mierna’s earshot, he held her elbow sympathetically. “Are you still worried about her wings?”

She nodded. “It’s difficult enough for my mother to accept what I’ve become. She’s hoping that my children will at least retain their pure magic.”

He grew concerned. “I assume that you won’t become the next Fairy Guardian?”

“That’s not entirely true,” she said. “There’s talks now of reforming the Enchanted Lake’s Council to include Faes. I’m being favored majorly to represent them.”

She nodded, then patted her cheeks and let out a sharp exhale. “Whatever happens will be for the best, and thatincludes Ivy’s development. I suppose it’s good she’s half Fairy and half Elf at least.”

“It still sounds intimidating.”

“It’s nothing you’re not facing now yourself since becoming engaged to a Queen. I hope the people of Nexis fully understand everything that you’ve done for them.”

“I have spoke with a few of the Council members that have discussed it, and they have given us their blessing.”

“This is wonderful news!” Aria hugged Arthur with excitement.

With her mind finally made up, she went back inside the nursery and announced she was ready to greet the people.


Travus’s throne room opened to the guests from the other nations; the Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Dukes and Duchesses, Council members, and all those of important rank who came bearing gifts for Ivy.

Everyone regarded Aria with respect, but she wasn’t oblivious to their subtle wariness. Though Faes were muchmore easily accepted with the common folk, there was still work to be done in other parts of society. She knew the only reason they weren’t completely terrified of her was because she was once the realm’s best fighter. Also, Callie was still fiercely defensive of her honor as were the other Fairy Sentinels, who refused to follow anyone else’s lead if not hers. They fully expected her to return to duty once she’d recuperated from the birth.

Callie and the Fairy Sentinels followed closely behind the Fairy Guardian who passed through the large and dark gates with gifts so excessive that Aria felt embarrassed.

“Mother, you’re holding up the line.”

“She’s my granddaughter. I am more entitled than everyone else here to spend time with her.”

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